The Moonstone Wolf Pack

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(A/N: A quick note for anyone reading this for the first time; I wrote this story when I was pretty young, and though I can't pretend to be much wiser now, I do know that this story is in need of a thorough edit - and one day I hope to get round to it. But for now, I feel I should just let people know that this is no masterpiece - it's pretty corny and unoriginal, but I love the characters (and readers) too much to ever get rid of it. If you're a grammar Nazi/perfectionist, I wouldn't recommend it.. Feel free to check out my other work - hopefully I'm improving!

From here on, I've left everything just the way I wrote it. If you do decide to give it a shot, enjoy :) A/N)

Hola, mes amigos! How you all doing?

 Thanks very much for even clicking on this story, I'm sooooo grateful :D I really hope u like it, if you do, could you maybe, just I'd love you forever.

 I'm really sorry if you don't like it. I'll stop waffling on now. Enjoy! :D :D :D

The Moonstone Wolf Pack

I was running. Free as the wind, I bounded through the woods, faster than any other creature near me. I leaped over fallen trees, landing with a gentle crunch on to the soft bed of copper leaves below. They scattered into the sky like a flurry of golden birds. The night air was heavy, like a blanket had been draped over it to silence it. Crickets croaked as I dived through the Forest, feeling no tiredness, despite the fact I had to be running over 100 miles an hour. All I could feel was joy, pure joy that seemed to emanate from the glowing, creamy white moon, like a song. A song that bathed the land in silvery white, and draped the shadows with purple-y blackness. Despite the darkness and speed, I could make out every tiny detail with my enhanced wolf eyes; the waving of  the leafless trees in the cool breeze, the twitching of the soft, fluffy earth as the undergrowth came alive under my feet, the tiny creatures pausing in their nightly duties to stare in alarm at me, the silent, dark wolf...

I could hear too; hear the leaves crunch, the crickets burble, the mice scatter into their nests, birds digging for worms in the soft earth... even the snoring of a mole, deep beneath me. Then I heard the rush of water, heard it tripping over stones and gouging it's way through the earth. My throat burned. I pulled up to a silent stop, digging my claws into the soft dry earth. I slunk through the woods until my ears picked out the whereabouts of the stream. I leaned over, and took a long, cool draught. As I did, I saw my reflection; furry muzzle, razor teeth, and my face a mess of silky gold fur. Wolf fur. And my eyes were a deep, wolf-like amber...


"Addie! Addie! Adriana Varcolac, you better come down for breakfast in 5 minutes or I'm calling your mother!"

My eyes flipped open. My hand was on the base of my throat, clutching automatically at the small, round, moonstone pendant that rested in the hollow of my throat. My heart was thumping like I'd been running. Had I? I tried to recollect more about the dream, but details were slipping away like water from a draining tub. All I remembered was that it was one of my more real, sensible dreams; my dreams are usually all over the place, waaaaay to hard for me to untangle. So I shove them to the back of my mind with the rest of the junk up there.

I stumbled out of bed. Aunt Liz was still calling out pathetic threats. She'll call my mother. She'd be lucky if my mother even bothered to pick up the phone. And if she did, she'd probably just tell Aunt Liz to cook me some pancakes. I may love Aunt Liz, but she sucks at making pancakes.

First day of school. Joy oh joy. I am one of the "nerds", along with my two best friends, Funesta and Luna. They're awesome, but nothing can equalize that sense of impending doom you get on school mornings. Especially since it was first day of Year 12. I rubbed my moonstone pendant that dripped from a fine silver chain to calm myself. At least it meant no more sophomore year for us!

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now