Chapter 2- Ok my three button is stuck so just pretend :P

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Helllloooo there, wonderful Wattpadians! Big news! Well, yeh :P We hav over 1000 votes!!! Yay!!! WOOO!!! I know for some people thats nothing but for me, it's alot!!! Thank you evry single one of you if you've voted, it means the world to me :) Please continue to do so, as well as COMMENTING, FANNING AND RECOMMENDING! Lol Quite like the new one :P

Sooooo anyway, thanks soo much to FANNERS:

Bandia     smilelikecrazy     JAJA12-Oh no soz :/-three (but in figures)     meggeronithirty2     Cuj0Kat


smilelikecrazy     JAJA12-Oh no soz :/-three (but in figures)     uncolorfulrainbow     CrazyWolfLover      Echosky     Cuj0Kat     Caymontheawesome

Chapter 2three (Chapter twenty-three) :P (My three key is broken... it had always been a little stuk, and now it's like, wedged to the keyboard ????? \:( annoying)

Addie's P.O.V

The weekend passed quickly, as always. I woke up on Saturday morning about 11 am (and that's good for me) and Uncle Jeff was just leaving. He gave me a corny wink and said: "See you, Addie. I'll be back on Wednesday. Be good!" And he waved as he walked outside. Aunt Liz and Kirstie were standing by the door, waving.

"Where's he going?" I asked, as they shut the door.

"Finland. He'll be back soon." Aunt Liz smiled. "Waffles?"

I spent the day playing with Kirstie. And most of Sunday too, apart from the one hour when I was chatting to Luna on the phone. Oh, and the two hours where I sat watching the repeats of Eastenders and eating Ben and Jerry's depressingly moreish Cookie Dough ice-cream.

On Monday, I got up early and collected the post from the floor. A chunky letter from Mom, probably containing some more crappy American jewelery (A/N: no offense to Americans, or their jewelery. I juts mean the crap stuff they sometimes sell. Made in China, you know. Whatever, moving on switly XD A/N), and a couple of bills. And the newspaper. I swallowed as I opened it,dreading what I knew the first page would say...

Mass Attack by Wolves. How'd I guess? I sighed, and placed some bagels in the toaster, then sat down to read the article.

It appears the Wolves of our community are becoming more vicious. On Sunday morning, a group of three were discovered dead in the woods. They hadn't been reported missing, and they had only been dead for half an hour at the most. Two of the faces had been damaged beyond recognition, but the other was discovered to be Lois Lane,(A/N: Sorry guys :] tee hee) mother of 2. Her husband was unavailable for comment.

I didn't want to read anymore. I folded the paper, just as the toaster popped and the scent of cinammon filled the room. I gripped my cool moonstone as I shut my eyes. Lois's son was in Kirstie's year. And yes, I know, it's a small world. And a small community. I puffed out a sigh as I stroked the moonstone, resting it against my heart beat, trying to cool it. It didn't work very well.

I nibbled on my bagel as I strode out to my car, wrapping my leather jacket firmly around me, covering my purple t-shirt that said Bite me on it in neon green writing. The wind beat at me furiously.

I clambered into the Mini and cranked up the heat, letting the smell of leather and peppermint sooth me. I turned on the engine and backed out the drive. It made a weird whining noise that I didn't like the sound of. I nibbled my lip, and drove slowly.

The whining had turned into a groan as I drove in the lot. A few curios heads twisted my way, and I gritted my teeth.

"Come on Baby, you can do it." I soothed. The Mini let out what sounded like a sigh as I pulled up in a space. I turned off the engine as it wheezed, and wheeled my window up a little.

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now