Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Theo's P.O.V

"Theo. Psst, Theo! Theo!"

"Bugger off," I mumbled. I rolled face-down into the sheets and pushed the pillow onto my head. My messy black hair spiked across the sheets. I was still in sleep-world, but the door was opening. I heard someone flick a light switch on. Suddenly, someone yanked the pillow away. I glared blearily at the offending pillow-thieves and just caught a glimpse (due to my inhumanly good eyesight) of three figures; two boys with red-brown hair (the stupid twins!), one of which was holding my pillow, and a small black haired girl. Suddenly my face was doused with cold water.

I yelped and recoiled into the now wet sheets. I heard laughter. I blinked water out of my amber-brown eyes, and shook my wet, longish hair (well, kind of long for a guy, almost emo-ish) out of the way. The twins, Alex and Jared, were laughing at me. By their side was a little girl with silky black hair chopped into a sleek bob, giggling quietly. My sharp eyes picked up the bucket in her hands.

"Maddy I'm gonna kill you, you cheeky monkey!" I yelled playfully, and leapt out of bed. Maddy, who was 6, squealed and threw the bucket at me. I pretended to wince and fall over as it hit my leg, but it didn't hurt at all, because of my firm, protective, almost invincible skin, despite the fact the bucket was metal. Maddie came over to check if I was alright while Alex and Jared (both 18, but act like they're three- I'm 17, and act like it; sometimes) cackled with mirth. As Maddie neared I leapt up and tackled her growling like a wolf, which wasn't hard, seeing as-

"FIIIIGHT!" yelled Alex, leaping to the floor to join in the tackling. Jared laughed, and bonked us all with pillows.

"What the hell?"  From where I was lying, all I could see was a pair of white socks. But I recognised the nasally, disgusted voice. "God, you guys are sooo immature."

"Nice to see you too, Linda," I muttered. I tried to get up, but both Alex and Maddy were sitting on me.

"No more mature than you, Lin." Jared chucked the pillow at me. Maddy giggled. "How many mutts like us had to die to make that jumper?"

I pushed the pillow off my head and stared at Linda as she sniffed haughtily. She was beautiful, no doubt; she had high cheek bones, tanned skin, ice-blue eyes and long black hair. But the haughty sneer on her lips just made her look spoilt.

"I don't know," She said in answer to Jared's question. "But I wish you'd been one of them."

"Ooooh..." We intimadated her whiney voice as she flounced out the room, and back into the bedroom. As she slammed her door, the one next to her bedroom opened. Out stepped Ruby-May, Maddy's sister. She had blond hair, but her eyes were the same warm, amused green as her younger sister's.

"Miss Foggy in a bad mood already?" She stared at Linda's door. We often referred to her as 'Miss Foggy', a term Alex had made up. We weren't supposed to be mean to any people in our pack (ahem- adopted, random, mis-matched family), but Linda was pretty mean to us.

"Jared's got a thing against her jumper," I informed her. The pillow slammed onto my head with almost invisible speed, but I still managed to duck, due to my super-fast speed and quick reactions. Laughter erupted.

"Why's your hair wet?" Ruby-May asked, coming to sit near me and the huddle of kids.

"Blame the monkey on my back." I grinned at Maddy.

"I'm on your back," Alex pointed out. 

"Yeah, but you're not a monkey." I grinned at him. "More of a-"

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