Chapter 12 (Yessss! Get in there! lol)

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.Heyy, wattpadians! I've got some more thanking to do....


bubblegirl-123      BlackDeathRose     icantbesolved     rose625          rowan246     CrazyGyrl56 

Hmm, that wasn't too many :/ anyway VOTERS....

bubblegirl-123      BlackDeathRose     icantbesolved     uncolourfulrainbow      IWasLikeWoopWoop     shy201    skylynneann     HaleeLanigan      CrazyGyrl56

A big big thank you to everyone!!!! I really want to be whats hot #1, so please PLEASE VOTE COMMENT AND FAN i would be so so SO grateful, please recommend to your friends too :) :) thanks. If I get to Number 1, I will come and fan everyone who has fanned and commented, and vote any stories you have written. That's a promise. Lets make this dreama reality :D ENJOY!

Chapter 12

Addie's P.O.V

I stepped out of geography, grinning like an idiot. Funesta, who was leaning against the wall waiting for me to come out so we could walk to our next lesson together, stared at me like I had three heads.

"You're... smiling? You've jus come out of Gepgraphy and you're smiling?" She gaped. I hated Geography, and always came out of it looking depressed.

I laughed. "I know. How wierd is that?" I began humming as we walked to our next class, history. Another reason why I should be depressed.

"Ok; who are you, and what have you done with Adriana Varcolac?" Funesta asked, staring at me in amazement.

I waved my bright green nails at her as I waggled my fingers in her face. "Nope, still me. You will never guess who I talked to in Geography."

Funesta looked intrested. "Who?"

Just then, perfect timing, Theo walked past and grinned at me. Next to him was Bobby More, swimming captain popular-guy, and Gemma Toms, who was a popular girl, but barely. She was notorius for leading on servral guys at once. I felt a blush creep into my face as I smiled breathlessly back at Theo, remembering his gorgeous scent of pine, woodsmoke and mint, taking in his flawless face and incredible eyes...

"No way." Funesta gaped. "Theo Moonstone? Hottest hottie in hottie land? You talked to him?"

"Don't sound so surpised." I scolded, smiling brightly. I remembered how everytime he'd made me laugh, or I'd made him laugh, a little spark would shoot off in my stomach, like my heart was throwing a racous party. I sighed in happiness.

"No wonder you're happy." Funesta regarded me. "Does he seem like the kind of girl who would reject Merry Cherry?"

I laughed. We called Cherry "Merry Cherry" because she so wasn't merry, if you get me. She was always moaning about the guys and the weather and her clothes, all the while knowing that the things she had were much better than the things we had.

"He seemed to nice." I informed Funesta. "He proabaly just politely told her he wasn't interested, and that was it."

Funesta grinned indulgently. "Perfect."

Someone hurried into me just then. I caught a familiar whif of onions, and turned. "Hey Malum."

"Sorry Addie." Malum gave me a quick smile. The guy can't help it that he stinks; his dad owned an onion farm. Poor guy.

The three of us struck up a conversation, and ten minutes later suddenly realized that everyone had gone. We were late.

"Oh fab." I grumbled. "Come on, Nesta. History" We jogged off. When we reached the classroom, all the seats had been taken, except for one at the front and one at the back. Funesta and I smiled at each other regretfully, and I trailed off to the back of the classroom.

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now