Chapter 7- wait no, chapter 6. Yeah Chapter 6 :)

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Chapter.....6? *shrug* lolz =P

Hola! I won't ramble on. Enjoy this chapter (whichever one it

Theo's P.O.V

The girl stared at me as my eyes found her. She was sitting straight, as if she'd been searching for me. Her skin was creamy white, but she had long, silky dark hair that was glossy and ultra straight, in smooth layers. Her heart-shaped face was almost hidden from view, but I could just make out a big, dark brown eye, with amber and gold hidden in its coffee, caramel depth. It took all my strength to keep walking, and not to go charging over to her. We kept our eyes fixed on each other. I could see  every feature of her , every pore of her skin (covered lightly with foundation), every silky strand of dark hair, with my superb, sensetive eyes. I watched her blink, dark eyelashes brushing against her pale cheek.

"Oh la la." I heard one of her friends say. I zoned out from the other conversations (I could've listened in on any of them, what with my excellent, inhumane hearing) and concentrated on what the amazing girl and her friends were saying about me.

The speaker was a blonde. She was staring unashamedly at me. She obviously thought I was too far away for me to hear or see. Boy was she wrong. I watched as the beautiful, amazing-smelling girl gripped her arm, one hand playing with some kind of necklace on a thin silver chain. The way she was staring at me... it was incredibly sexy.

"Looks like we finally found the guy for you, Addie." Said another girl with long black hair and tanned skin. She nudged the girl, Addie. Addie. Perhaps short for Adolpha, meaning she-wolf. My breath caught. Surely, that would be to unlikely-

"He looks nice." Addie's voice was like music in my ears. Soft and melodic, not high and annoying, or deep and moody. She tilted her head, admiring me. I might've been estatic at this, only girls did this to me all the time. I really didn't mean to sound arragant, but I had werewolf good-lookes. They normally gave me a boost of popularity in a new school- that was, if people weren't freaked out by our tight-knit pack attitude.

"Nice? He looks frickin' gorgeous." The black-haired girl sighed.

"Yummy." Blondie smiled. She had plump pink lips. Addie snorted, and the three of them stood. Addie had an amazing figure. Slim, curvy, perfect. Just keep walking, Theo, just keep walking.

"You guys are like carniverous whores. Lay off the poor dude." I smiled. Gorgeous, funny and nice. And believe it or not, her freinds weren't being that bad. I'd had worse.

"Want him to yourself, do you?" Black-haired joked, bumping Addie with her hip. Addie rolled her eyes and smiled. She looked amazing when she smiled. Her face lit up, her reddish-pink lips curving back over even, white teeth. As she stretched, I noticed a camera hanging round her neck. A photgrapher. Cool.

"Now, now, don't be greedy." Blondie teased, wagging a finger in her face. I heard Addie's low murmer of  "Cannibles." and nearly laughed again. I watched as the three made there way towards the building. As they came within 20 metres of me, Blondie threw me a dazzling smile. Addie gave her a dark look. Even if she was jeleous (and a large part of me seriously hoped she was), she had nothing to worry about. Flirty blondes so weren't my type. To be honest, I didn't know what my type was, but I had a very strong feeling it was girls like Addie. Very like Addie. And that was a bad thing. Why the hell did I feel this way?


Ta daa! Hoped you like it! I feel sooooo much better now that I know there are people that read my stories. A BIG BIG BIG THANK-YOU TO hollalunia for voting and for being a massive confidence booster. Thanks also to the mysterious voter, who ever you are... I LUV U GUYS! (But not in a freaky lesbo way) I would have dedicated a chpater, but I thought that mite seem a little wierd =) let me no if not xx

Thanx sooooo much for reading. A giant cookie for all!!!!


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