Chapter 32 (ha, wow, u hav to scroll down to reach the chapter LOL :D)

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Greeeeeeetings, Wattpadians O_O Thank you all for the happy birthdays, you guys are so lovely!!! :D I had an awesome birthday, thank-you very much, and your lovely comments helped make it that way! :D Ok I have something so strange to tell you guys: for my birthday, my Mom's ordering me a moonstone necklace! Just like Addie's! I was so surprised, what a creepy coincidence! Maybe I've been muttering my stories out loud and she over-heard... ok that's a little awkward... *looks nervously over shoulder* I'm going to stop thinking about that now haha :)

Oh, and apparently it was Sophie03's b-day on Monday too, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D Correct me if I'm wrong haha :D xx

Thank you, FANS:

Ebony2z2     msprncss82     missorigional     RabaniSawhey      kellyem     TheLimitedEdition     Blooms     Sammy2968     CARZYAA     alexmagic24     fallen16

And thank you, VOTERS:

Ebony2z2    msprncss     kellyem     Blooms     oso_sweet     Kewi29     Melndjace     Pufflefan410     Echosky     angelbone           


Chapter 32

Addie's P.O.V

It was Monday morning, exactly a week after Kirstie had got lost and Theo had rescued her. Kirstie was absolutely fine, and so was Milo, but Aunt Liz now kept Kirstie under her microscopic eye at all times. This meant she barely noticed me, which I was perfectly fine with.

Urgh. It was my first day back at school in two weeks, and I was completely out of practice with the whole getting-out-of-bed-on-time-thing. I stumbled downstairs still half-asleep, and put some waffles in the toaster, nearly smearing some of my newly-painted deep blue nail varnish all over them. I hastily splashed my face with cold water from the tap, trying to wake myself up. Ahhh, I had an idea; I thought of Theo, and my heart instantly started pounding. There, I was awake now. Laughing at myself, I began to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Suddenly the post box clanged, and the usual flurry of paper rustled to the floor. Amidst the noise, there was a large thunk. I turned to the door in mild curiosity, carrying my bowl of cereal with me. On the mat was a large parcel with my name on it. It had Mom's hand-writing on it. My eyes widened at how hard it was. I walked to the table and sat down to unwrap it.

A small, wrapped present fell on to the table, and I picked it up in surprise. It was strangely heavy for its size. I unwrapped it eagerly, and out a fell a four-inch long golden cross. I gasped, my mouth dropping open in amazement as I felt the heavy glimmering artefact. Wow. Mom had truly outdone herself. What had I done to deserve this? Still staring at it, captivated by its extraordinary beauty, I opened the letter.


How are you? Are you still Ok with the whole wolf attack thing? And Nesta? I can't believe you really are, you've been having such a hard time lately. I feel so sorry for you; I wish I was there to help out. I'm so proud of you for coping all by yourself.

What about Kirstie? I heard she went missing in the woods for nearly four hours, the poor little girl. She must've been terrified; I hope she's Ok. What about the little puppy she was with? Is he Ok? I expect he is, it takes a lot to scare or harm dogs.

This is going to be quite a short letter as I'm very busy at the moment. I have meetings practically every day, but it's all worth it. I miss you. Send my love to Liz and Jeff and Kirstie.

I love you Ade. I'll see you soon.

Lots of love, Mom xx

P.S I really hope you like the present. It's pure, solid gold. Isn't it beautiful? It wasn't even that expensive! I'll see you soon xx

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