THIS is Chapter 9... but would it be easier to call it 8???

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Hello, Wonderful Wattpaders!!! :P

I want this to be a long chapter but it mite not be cos I hav loads of work ... school.... you know how it is... hell, mostly... lolz :P

More thank U's 2 COMMENTERS....

tyler33470    missfee      IluvRain    nessie64    uncolourfulrainbow   sabrina9596


OK, I'm not actually sure WHO voted, but I do know a few... so please say if you have voted and I will thank-you and dedicate if you like :)

IluvRain       missfee      uncolourfulrainbow    sabrina9596    Faeraa     watt_obsessor     morow101


faeraa      uncolourfulrainbow     purplerules94       lonelyangel      morow101     watt_obsessor

Before I start, I would like to say a massive thank-you to these two people

nessie64 = she has written a totally AWESOME book called "Tame My Heart (or else" and it's amazing!!! And Number 1 in whats hot! (woot! Congrats!) She also dedicated a chapter 2 me and told people all about this book, if you havent read this story, READ IT!!!! Thank you!!!!

uncolourfulrainbow =this awesome person voted for EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER of Moonstone Wolf Pack!!!! Wow, so glad you like it!!! Thanx so much!!!

And YOU, for reading this. Please check out the works of all these incredibly awesome people, and as always, VOTE FAN and COMMENT too plz!!! :D

Chapter 8/9 (I really should stop bothering numbering the chapters)

  Theo's P.O.V

Need any help? I heard the scuffle of pencil on paper, so I could tell what the note was going to say before it actually reached me. It was from the brunette in the seat next to me. She gave me a bright smile as I looked up from the note I'd pretended to read. I smiled stiffly and shook my head. All we were doing was making notes on the Battle of Waterloo, which I'd done about a thousand times.

"I'm good." I whispered.

The brunette pouted and sent me nother note. Well, if you need any help, say the word. My name's Cherry.

Fabulous. I glanced slightly to my left, where Bobby was stifling laughter. I grinned and scrawled hima quick message. You said you wanted me in the swimming team. What time's training?

Bobby looked thoroughly impressed by my note. I have a feeling I'm going to like you. Practices are every Tuesdays at lunch break. We have a pool. You on?

I gave him a thumbs up. He seemed like the only decent popular guy type. I didn't want to get sucked in with the rest.

At lunch, Bobby beckoned me over to his table. It was crowded with people. I squeazed inbetween Bobby and a ginger girl, who gave me a breif, unenthusistic smile (the first one I'd seen in a long time; it was kind of refreshing). I scanned the rows for the twins, or Ruby-May, maybe even Linda.

"Who you looking for?" Bobby wasted no time digging in to his food.

"My brothers and sisters." I twidled the moonstone rim of my watch anxiously and tried to smell them out without the ginger girl giving me anymore strange looks. At the moonstones touch, I calmed.

"How many of you are their?" One of Bobby's friends looked at me, amused. He'd introduced himself to me in history, but I hadn't really been paying attention to him. If I racked my brains, I'd remember. I started to count on my fingers all the "siblings" I had. I heard a laugh next to me. I turned to the ginger girl, suprised. She was cackling away. Bobby gave an embarresed shrug.

"Who is she?" I muttered.

"Gemma," She told me, smirking.

"Theo." I held out my hand.

"I know who you are." She wacked my hand away. "Do you really have so many brothers you have to count them on your fingers?"

"And sisters." I smiled sheepishly. Gemma slapped the table and laughed again.

Gemma was ecentric, but funny. Completely mental, obviously, but she was nice enough.

"You're the first new person in about 5 years." She told me happily. "Along with your brothers and sisters, however many you have." She snorted. "Oh, and there are two new boys."

"Right." I said blankly. It wouldn't make a difference. I didn't know anyone anyway.

"There's John." She pointed at a cocky-looking boy with a confident smirk on his face. "And there's the other one... I can't remember his name it's, uh..."

I stared at the guy. He was hunched over his food, glaring at anyone who dared to look at him. I sniffed automatically. Then sniffed again. A deep frown wrinkled my forehead. What the hell?

"Oy, Theo. Stop frowning, you'l get wrinkled." Gemma elbowed me.

"Ow," I muttered. She had sharp elbows.

"C'mon." Bobby stood up and nodded at me. "Swimming Pool. Coming?" I nodded.

I stood up, but as we walked out, I couldn't stop staring at the new guy. There was something very strange about him. And it wasn't just the fact he was obviously unsociable.

He had no smell.

Addie's P.O.V

Lunch. Luna, Funesta and I tumbled down the hall, yelling and laughing. Sevral people stared at us like we had three heads each. We ignored them. Thats the great thing about being Us. Your social popularity can't get any lower. 

We slammed into the lunch doors, clutching each other so we wouldn't fall over from laughing. It was a tradition we did; every lunch time on the first day of school term we always sprinted and rammed into the doors. It was completely mental of us, but that was all the more reason to do it. We liked being mental. BONKERS!

"Where's Ruby-May?" Funesta asked, wiping her eyes.

"Not sure." I peered out the door as we collected our trays.

"She probably left us when she realized how strange we are." Luna sniggered. We burst out laughing. Like I said; BONKERS!

We joined our crowded lunch table. When I said our social poularity couldn't get lower, maybe I was lying a teensy bit. Yes, we are your typical "unpopular" group, but it's a BIG one. Jay, Emily, Tom, Erin, Joe, Sammy, Alan, Ant, Maria... the list goes on. But Funsta, Luna and I are all Best freinds.

"Hey guuuuuys!" Luna sang, booting Sammy out the way with her hip so we could sit. I talked to Ant and Funesta as we ate, comparing lessons and so on. We told him (and everyone else, for that matter) about Ruby-May.

"She's hot." Luna added. Joe licked his lips. We all shoved him, and he sprawled to the floor. We sniggered and helped him up again while Funesta snorted into her water cup and nearly choked. BONKERS.

Then I noticed Ruby-May. She was standing just outside the door, smiling and talking to-


"Erin," I said, knowing my voice sounded a little strange. "Who's that?" 

"Who?" She said blankly.

"That." I jabbed a finger at him. His longish, dark, silky looking hair hung over his eyes, and I saw his perfect teeth ashe smiled a dazzling smile.

"Oh. Him." Erin giggled. "Isn't he gorgeous? And he's just your type." She winked. I went red, knowing I was probably gawking. "But aparently he's hard to get. You should've seen Cherry's flirting. And he was all like 'Sorry, I don't date.' Well not exactly, but..."

Hard to get? Hmm. I stoopped listening to Erin and zoned in on him, resting my chin in my hands. Cherry was a popular bitch; high skirt, low intelligence. Everything she wanted, she got. Including guys. If she couldn't, how ever could I?

Did I really just think that? I hadn't even talked to him. God, I was bonkers. No more that that; I was addicted.

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