Chapter 16 (My fav number... I hav no idea why, its not even my age!) :P

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Hello, Wonderful Wattpadians!!! Ok, have to warn you, this will be a short chappy, cos I hav 2 exams 2moro and I really hav 2 revise... :) But I'll do this first.

Thanx u guys who FANNED...  

JordieXx     dede23     CrazyGirlLovesYou     AliceCole     blackmoon

And who VOTED

Bethluvsu    libbys96      flyingpenguins17     skylynneann     bubblegirl123    theothergirl     xokogoxo     JadieBabiexxx     meena79     IWasLikeWoopWoop     shy201     Echosky     CrazyGyrl56     hannicbro67     SevenMoons     uncolorfulrainbow    

Tee hee, I managed to sniff out quite a few of you awesome voters! Not all of you... I'm not that good lol :P if I keep leaving you out of my thank-you's I swear I'm not being mean, but I just don't know! So tell me and I will add you next time :D ENJOYYYYY!!!!

Chapter 16

Addie's P.O.V

I sat down in the middle of the class, grinning from ear to ear. I watched a few people cautiously shuffle away, like I might tear their dignity away too. But that only happened to possesive bitches like Cherry. I couldn't help but snigger every time I thought of Cherry's face, red with humiliation. She'd brought down my gang before; she could destroy a girl in a second. Slamming her down to earth wouldn't kill her.

But that wasn't the real reason why I couldn't stop smiling; the look on Theo's face as I'd made fun of Cherry in front of all her enemies had been glowing, happy, like he was proud to be my friend. And not to mention the way he'd laughed as the two of us sauntered out of the hall. His gorgeous eyes had been so deep and warm and enticing, and the gold was strong and swirling. He'd been so close I could smell pine and mint, his enticing scent...

Someone slank into the chair next to me, so fluently I barely noticed. I looked up and was greeted by a pair of cool black eyes.

"Um... hi." I said, flustered by his sudden appearence. He didn't look to bad. He looked muscular,  a little too muscular; not like Theo's slight strength- focus, Addie, Focus- and his face was mildly attractive.His eyes were deep and black and unfathomable. He stared at me.

"When someone says hi, its genrally considered polite to say hi back." I hinted. The guy's mouth twitched.

"Hi." He said. His voice was low.

"My name's Addie. What's yours?" Oh no. I sounded like a pre-school teacher talking to the shy new four-year old. I could tell he thought that too, because his lips twitched right into a smirk.

"I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

"Oh." Like I hadn't heard that one before. "I guess I better do a litle dedective work." I looked at his stuff. Unfortunatly, his name wasn't grafitied all over his pencil case like mine was. I grabbed his agenda and opened it. No name.

"Nothing in there." He said lightly, taking it off me.

"What if you lose it? No-one will know who's it is."

"I don't lose things." His dark eyes stared into mine. I felt a little bit restless.

You might."

"Thinking of stealing it?"

I smiled slightly, trying to lighten his tone a little. "Maybe."

He tucked it away in his bag. I sighed.

"I was kidding." I told him.

"Someone else might not be." He said darkly. I shivered.

"How would you find your agenda then?"

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu