Chapter 55 ✔️

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So it came.

George unfortunately passed away about a week after we arrived.

I know I said I'd be the strong one but I couldn't keep the tears at bay when Tyler stumbled into the room with tears streaming down his face. I knew then that George had passed. I cried with Tyler that night but the next morning I sobered up and held the broken boy who just lost his father.

After that day I buried my tears away. I only allowed them to show at George's funeral because it was too much to keep inside.

Now two weeks later the Anderson mansion is a ghost town. The staff was given off on paid leave for the time being to give the household time to grieve the loss of their beloved.

The first week was hard. I felt so useless the entire time. The only time I felt like I was doing something right was when I cuddled up in Tyler's arms and heard his heartbeat beat at a normal pace. The rest of the time I felt like I was intruding their grieving process. Besides from cooking food and trying to clean up as much as I could, I couldn't do much more.

After the first week Hayley started coming in and out of her room. Clark was staying with her the whole time after George passed away. He visited regularly when George was still alive but he didn't want to intrude. After two weeks Rachelle made an appearance ever so often. I wish I could say she couldn't look worse but she has proven herself. I just hope that the grief doesn't burry her alive.

How am I doing?

I'm coping. That's how I'm doing.

I'm just trying to be strong enough for Tyler.

" We're heading back to campus tomorrow. I still have a degree to finish." Tyler announces as he steps out of the bathroom that is attached to his room in only a pair of jeans.

I look up from my phone to stare at him in confusion. My eyes slip down his body as a few drops of water runs down his toned chest all the way to his v-line. Damn he looks fine.

" Are you sure your mom is going to be okay with you leaving?" I ask him not entirely comfortable with the idea of leaving Rachelle here.

" She's the one who suggested it a few days ago. Besides, Hayley and Clark are still here to make sure she's okay. " he explains.

It would be good to get back and start figuring out what my next steps are going to be. In the time that I've been away Emily and Parker have managed to move into their apartment. Emily lightly decorated my room so that I can come and finish up as soon as I'm back. As for college Emily already paid for my tuition for the Fall semester. It's a few months away from now so it gives me enough time to get back onto my own two feet. I need to get a job as soon as possible so that I can start paying rent. I hate feeling like a charity case. Hopefully later on I'll be able to pay off my debt to Emily. Even though she already refused the idea of me paying her back, I'm still going to. It's the right thing to do.

" I hope your mom is going to be okay. I hate seeing her like this." I say as Tyler crosses the room and pulls on a plain shirt, much to my dismay.

" Me too Ally, me too." Tyler replies in a defeated tone.

For the remainder of the day I struggled to gather all our belongings while Tyler was sorting out our flight tickets. How is it even possible for me to leave with more stuff than what I came with? I rarely even left the house.

Saying goodbye to Rachelle and Hayley the next morning was probably one of the hardest things I have had to do. I just felt so guilty leaving them behind and moving forward with my life.

After a few tears were shed Tyler and I were headed home. We didn't talk much during the flight. I guess there wasn't much to say but deep down I know he has a lot he wants to get off his heart. It's best to give him space. I know he'll come to me when he's ready.

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