Chapter 6 ✔️

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☝️☝️☝️ Thank you for the lovely cover reader_vamprina! 😍

Dear Diary

Time doesn't stop. Not for anyone. You could be the Queen of Lala Land and time still won't stop for you. It just simply doesn't care. Your whole life could be falling apart in front of your eyes but the time will still continue on ticking. I sometimes think that 24 hours is too little for one day. I like to sleep in on most days so when I wake up I only have a few hours left of the day. Just imagine how cool it would be to actually control the time. Your alarm could go off and you could just snap your fingers and the whole world would come to a stop allowing you to continue sleeping. That would be awesome but unfortunately time's a bitch. The whole reason why I'm rambling on about time being a bitch is to say that a lot can happen in a few seconds. A lot of bad decisions. One of those bad decisions that I made in a matter of seconds was allowing Tyler and his friends to join me and Emily for breakfast. Somehow Emily agreed on my behalf that we would spend our precious Sunday with the 3 guys. I had no part in that agreement as I was in the bathroom at the time. This is not what I had planned for the day.

~ Ally

" It's better not to bother her when she's writing in that thing." I hear Emily say to the 3 guys in the backseat of my car.

I was waiting for the 4 of them to figure out what we were doing for the day. They kept on bickering about different ideas and so I pulled out my diary and began writing in it.

" Nerd. " I hear Mason, one of Tyler's friends, mutter.

What does writing in a diary have to do with a nerd? Since I've met Mason about an hour ago I already didn't like him. He's a stuck up rich excuse of a guy. He has looks and he knows it. With a tanned toned body, dark blonde hair and blue eyes he's definitely a catch for the female population. It's a shame he lacks in the personality department. He apparently thinks girls come crawling after him wherever he walks. He's the vice president of Dappa Dee, Tyler's frat house. Figures. It's kind of funny how seriously they take these frat house things. President, vice president? It cracks me up every time.

" Shut up you idiot." Parker, Tyler's other friend, says as he hits Mason over the head. Mason shoots him a quick glare before he focuses his attention back on me.

I like Parker. He's good looking I must say but he doesn't act like that's all to him. Parker has dark hair that almost reaches his shoulders and big brown eyes. He's smart as well. I think he's majoring in accounting or something like that. He's also part of the frat house but not as high up as the other two dicks in the car.

" Have you guys decided on where we are going?" I ask deciding to ignore Mason's comment. I'm not going to let him get under my skin. I'm trying to be a better person okay. Key word being trying.

Emily starts typing in the destination on my GPS without a reply. Guess it's a surprise then.


" Laser tag, really? That was your master plan? " I deadpan.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing laser tag but smoking and running don't go along too well. Emily, Mason and Parker all look excited as hell as they go and stand in line to buy tickets.

" Don't worry babe, I'll go easy on you. " Tyler says from behind me. I take a deep breath to calm down. Just him being this close to me already sets off alarms in my head.

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