A Rainy summer 14

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~Chapter (14)~

Mark twain once wrote: ‘A lie can travel around the world six times while the truth is still trying to put on its pants’

I never understood what that saying meant until now. Everybody seems to say that telling a lie is one of the most easiest things in the world. But, it was quite different for me. I had always been an honest person through my whole life. All twenty years of my existence had passed without a single lie. However, that sense of honesty wasn’t acquired by choice- or just out of the goodness of my heart. I wasn’t capable of telling one lie even If I tried to. My body would act up right away, I would stutter, sweat, and end up scratching all over my skin like I was experiencing some allergic reaction. I remember one time, when I was in the fifth grade. I forgot to do my homework, and I attempted to make up a story to tell the teacher. And well, I was in an ambulance ten minutes later.

At that point, all I was trying to achieve was avoiding the questions. That was my mission, to prevent any doubts about me. Honestly, I felt horrible for lying to everyone including Liam. But, it was still better than telling them the truth and then, watching them get hurt endlessly. I would have been completely selfish by doing that. What happened with Adrian taught me a great lesson. I still recall the look on his face when the doctor informed us about my illness. ‘My life will end when yours does, I pray that god takes me away with you, Selena’. Adrian’s voice rang in my head.

Beep, beep. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sudden loud sound of a car’s honk. My head shot up instantly, my eyes landed on Liam’s sleek black BMW. Getting up from the building door steps, I pulled down the creamy tiered silk- blend short dress I was wearing, and walked towards the car. Suddenly Liam was in front of me holding the car door open. My breath caught at the sight of Liam, I could help but let my eyes travel over him. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a Rolling Stones shirt. It was remarkable how he managed to look gorgeous in everything he wore.

“You look beautiful, Selena,” Liam’s stated causing a blush to form in my cheeks.

“Thank you,” I responded with a smile. “I like the shirt,” I commented, nodding towards the -Rolling Stones- shirt.

“Really? I thought you said you liked The Beatles,” Liam raised an eyebrow at me.

“I never said I disliked The Rolling stones,” I shrugged, stepping inside the car.

A frown broke into Liam’s face as his eyes landed at the chiffon straps of my dress. “Ah, Selena. Why didn’t you wear a jacket?”

“Because we are in the middle of summer, and it’s not going to be cold anytime soon. Unless you have a time travel machine,” I responded in a sarcastic tone.

Liam rolled his eyes at me before he switched on the engine and started driving. “You’re quite lucky, I have an extra jacket in the back. But, you should try to listen next time.”

“Where are you taking me?” I asked.

“I am not going to tell you,” Liam shook his head, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

“Oh, I know! We’re going to the north pole!” I exclaimed with a fake excited tone.

“Ha-ha, very funny,” Liam said in a cynical tone.

“Please tell me,” I begged, pouting like a child.

Liam chuckled. “You look so cute, I would have definitely taken a picture of you looking like that, if I was not driving,” he said laughing. I could almost hear Nicki Minaj’s voice coming out of the radio. Instantly, I reached for the volume button and turned it up. “Super bass” was playing. I was not a rap person, but I loved that song a lot. Unwillingly, I started singing along with the voice blasting from the radio- or should I say rapping.

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