A Rainy Summer 16

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C.S Lewis once wrote: ‘Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.’  

I have to say, I agree with the great Mr. Lewis on that. As far as I know, the lack of friendship element in one’s life had never been one of the causes of death. Not having friends in your life doesn’t necessarily mean that you are dying. They say, loneliness eats us alive; I think it means that you would be fading inside. But friends provide you with the meaning of life, they make you realize that no matter how horrible life could get, there will be always people you could run back to- people whom will help you through your darkest, and worst times. And when that time comes, and the world decides to smile at you. They will definitely be there, when the clock turns upside down, sharing and spreading happiness all around you. Happiness would feel a million times better when you have someone to share it with.

Having said that, I have to admit that my friends had always been a huge part of my life. I don’t know what I would have done without them. My friends had always been the salt to my tasteless popcorn, and the sugar to my bitter coffee.      

Talking to Haley was one of the best things that had happened during the time I had spent in London with the exception of seeing my brother, and meeting one of the most amazing guys on earth. Nope, that was not an exaggeration; he was truly one of the best guys out there. I never thought that there was still some unselfish guys left in this world. Liam was- what they call- a giver, he was just like those charity organizations that give without expecting anything in return.

“Wow. So, you spoke to Haley?” Jordan asked, a surprised expression crossed his face.

I nodded happily, and took a bite from my grilled cheese sandwich. We were sitting in a small restaurant, having breakfast with Ben and Julia.

“That’s amazing, I mean you two have known each other since you were what? Twelve.”

I shook my head right away. “Ten,” I corrected him, my lips twisting into a smile.

“Is that the one you haven’t spoken to in months?” Julia asked taking a sip from her steaming coffee. She was sitting with Ben right opposite to us.

“That’s the one,” I mumbled, taking another bite from my sandwich.

“Where else did you go to?” Jordan questioned, a strand of his dark hair fell over his eyes.


“I’m not stupid, Sel. You came home after midnight, Where were you?” Jordan said, sending me an irritated look.

Unwillingly, my mouth parted letting out a gasp out of shock. “You were awake?”

“Yes, I was. I saw you walking on your tip- toes trying to sneak in, you looked pretty funny,” Jordan said chuckling.

“Why didn’t you say anything? You could have saved me the trouble, you know.”

Jordan shrugged grinning idiotically. “I was having too much fun.”

I sent him a quick glare as I drank from my cup of coffee.

“Where were you, Selena?” Jordan repeated his question, causing me to groan slightly. Why couldn’t he just forget about something, just one time.

“We just hung out for awhile,” I responded with a shrug, trying to make him drop the subject. I really didn’t want to mention the “adventure” we had with Mason.

“What do you mean with hung out?” Jordan inquired, his eyebrows creasing slightly.

“Hang out: to socialize with people, mostly refers to having fun,” I muttered. Julia and Ben burst out laughing at my respond while Jordan was giving me a flat look.

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