A Rainy Summer 36

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~Chapter (36)~

           After having a long conversation with Mason, I was convinced that there was absolutely nothing I could do that would change my feelings. If only it was possible to shut them down, switch them off with a simple thought, it would have been much easier. I had always wondered why some people choose not to include love in their life, they run away from commitments, and serious relationships. As much as it is a pleasant and magical experience, love complicates your life, your mind becomes occupied with so many disturbing question marks, along with some exclamation marks signifying that delight and total pleasure you get to experience.

           I guess I can say that after weighing in the cons and pros of love, I came to the conclusion that life is completed by love. Despite the fact that my relationship with Adrian sort of ruined his life, I never regretted any of it. I cherish every minute I spent with him, in fact, I would do it all over again if I got the chance to.

           I'll let the tape roll, and see where it will it take me. . .

           Right after my hangout with Mason, Stephen called from the hospital, he said that Liam was in a great condition, his wounds were quickly healing, and it was no longer necessary for him to stay in the hospital. Although I was overcome by relief, I was extremely anxious about seeing Liam again, especially after running away from him that night. Honestly, I just wanted to spend time with him, for no particular reason. My time with Liam was utterly precious, it was remarkable how he was able to understand me so easily, how he made me feel better, just being with him made me happy.

           "Hello?!! Selena!! Are you there?" Mason asked, waving his hand in front of my eyes. "Did you sleep already? Wake up, Sel!"

           I rolled my eyes at him. "How can I possibly be sleeping with my eyes wide open, huh?"

           He scratched his chin a couple of times, thinking of a smart come back. "Hmm, maybe you were hypnotized by an invisible ghost . . ."

           "Or better yet, I'm going crazy, and my mind isn't working properly. How about you drop me off at the mental institute, so I can die there?" 

           "Hey! Stop that," Mason scolded, giving me a disapproving look. "I thought we agreed not to speak in that way."

           "Nope, we just reached a moot point," I muttered, staring outside the moving car's window. I noticed that we weren't heading towards the hospital, the street was unfamiliar, we seemed to have been driving through another side of the city. A fancier part of the city, the buildings possessed a unique lovely architecture, huge parks filling the place with positive energy, museums and a set of astounding theaters. "Mason, where are we going?" I asked.

           Mason's lips curled into a smile. "We're going to Liam's house," he answered plainly. "Welcome to Kensington.":

           "Liam's house?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "I thought we were supposed to go pick him up from the hospital. . ."

           He shook his head in response. "Liam should be sitting on his couch right now, probably watching another episode of Dexter," he mumbled chuckling.

           "Really? Did Stephen offer to bring him home?" I wondered.

           Instantly, Mason nodded. "Yes he did, but someone else offered to drive Liam home, and he was quite pleased about it," he explained.

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