A Rainy Summer 33

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~Chapter (33)~

         Who would have thought things would turn out that way? Who would have thought that one day I would be sneaking into my brother's apartment, hiding in the corner of the building and waiting for him to leave, just so I can slip inside, take a shower and change my clothes.

         When we were younger, people used to call us the awesome siblings, we were the brother and sister that everyone envied. Jordan took the role of a parent, since he was in high school, right after our parents decided to travel for business and leave us behind. I remember how he used to help with my homework, how he cooked dinner every single night, and the way he protected me, pushing away all of the guys. Except Adrian, Jordan had always considered him as a close friend of his, and he was very disappointed when I told him that my relationship with Adrian was over.

         It was such a shame that Jordan and I will never go back to the way we were, but that is simply how life works. You can't go back in time and undo your wrongs, you have to continue living by fixing those mistakes. I lied to my brother, and I knew that it was a completely horrible thing to do, an immoral act, but it seemed to be the best thing to do at the time. The sad thing is that no one will ever understand, when your brother tells you that he would give up on everything he had worked for, if you got sick, you need to do whatever you can to stop that from happening.

         I had always thought of Jordan as my backbone, my only family, the person that will keep on supporting me no matter what. As much as I was extremely bothered by the fact that he didn't worry about me, he didn't ask about where I spent the previous night, I promised myself to patch things up with him.

         I need him in my life, or what's left off of it, to be more accurate . . .

         Inside my room, I was picking out an appropriate nice outfit to wear. Jamie had already mentioned that our practice will take place somewhere outside Cambridge, which made sense since the campus was too far, and my time was fairly limited. After a few minutes of searching through my clothes, I settled for wearing a pair of dark jeans, a blue silk shirt and a gray scarf. I folded Liam's dress shirt neatly, and laid it down on the bed. I wasn't planning on returning it to Liam, for some reason it meant something to me -something I was afraid to admit. Just thinking about Liam managed to shake every inch of my body, and I didn't think I could handle it. My life was getting more complicated than it already had been.

         Music. I yearned for it, I longed for the beautiful moving sound of guitars and pianos. I needed to play, to escape the contradicting thoughts of my clustered mind. All the previous week events were too tiring, from Liam's accident to the wonderful discovery of little Skye Roberts, also the whole thing with Adrian's ongoing disappearance. I was starting to feel like my disease was attacking me, not only physically, but psychologically as well. It was one of the things my doctor had warned me about, he said that most patients lose their battle with the sickness, due to their wrecked emotional state. Losing hope is the end.

          I grabbed my guitar, and headed out of the building. Jamie was waiting in his car, a bright smile appeared on his face at the moment he saw me. Stepping in the car, I couldn't help but notice the guitar case in the back seat, along with a bunch of books and CD's. I almost laughed at the messy state of his car, instead, I decided to ask about it politely.

          "Good evening, Selena," Jamie greeted. "You look lovely."

          "Um. . yeah . . thanks. . ." I replied awkwardly, slightly taken aback by his unexpected comment. "Hi."

          Jamie chuckled, and shook his head at me, then he started up the car and sped away. His fast, hasty driving reminded me of Liam.

          Ugh! Why am I thinking about him? He's probably enjoying himself with the girl that sacrificed her best friend for him. . .

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