A Rainy Summer 30

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~Chapter (30)~


              Fear. Fear comes in all different shapes and sizes, it can be a simple sentiment to some of us, yet an awfully complicated one to others. In fact, it is one of the most important feeling of the human species, due to its great –sometimes- life changing effect.

              We all have our own kind of fears, whether we admit it or not, and no matter how hard we try to keep them away, lock them in a far place in our mind, and throw out the key, those fears will hunt us, until we face them.   

               From being afraid of death, sickness, failure, or loneliness to the silliest type of fear like watching a horror movie. Some fears are constructive, such a parent fear for their child. While the other are destructive, they hold us back from doing what we desire, they deny us from the chance of living our dreams.      

                Aristotle once said: ‘Wicked men obey to fear, but the good for love’  

                If I ever had a chance to ask him a question, I would have asked: How can you not obey to fear, when that fear is for someone else –someone you care about? Wouldn’t you fear for the ones you love? Wouldn’t you act on the basis of that fear? Take revenge, act foolishly, or blame yourself for a situation you had nothing to do with.

                From my own experience, I can only say that love and fear are deeply connected. Therefore, it is a natural thing to fear for love, but you should never fear in love.

                Love is fearless. . . Or at least it should be.


                “Stephen, What is happening? It’s been two hours, why aren’t they telling us anything?!” I questioned, worry and fright filling my voice. My heart seemed to be unable to return to its normal rhythm, beating violently inside my heavy chest, providing what resembled a panic attack. Somehow, I managed to keep conscious, I couldn’t stand the fact that no one had informed us about Liam’s condition. Stephen stayed by my side, he told me that other doctors are treating Liam.

                “I don’t know,” he replied simply.

                “Why aren’t you in there, with them? You are supposed to be inside! He is your nephew!” I yelled out of frustration, my body was shaking nonstop, making it hard for me to calm down.

                “Selena, I’m not a bloody neurosurgeon! They are operating on his brain, trying to find a way to stop that massive bleeding. I can’t do anything!” Stephen retorted, looking very upset.

                Instantly, my eyes widened. “A brain surgery?”

                Stephen nodded, heaving out a sigh.

                His brain is bleeding. . . . but I tied my shirt to stop the bleeding. .

                What if it doesn’t stop? And, he. . .

                “That’s dangerous, what. . what happens if they. . . hit a nerve?” I asked unsteadily, terrified of hearing the response.

                Stephen closed his eyes briefly, taking a minute for himself before he answered me. “Hopefully that will never happen. But, if it does, his body functions might get affected, speech, sight, etc,” he explained slowly.

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