A Rainy Summer 29

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~Chapter (29)~

          Three days. Three dreadful days since the last time I had seen Liam –since I last left the apartment.

          Everything seemed to have changed after that night, my mind ached from the massive amount of conflicted thoughts I was dealing with. A sick feeling bubbled into my stomach, every time I remembered, and the constant recap in my head made it much worse. Honestly, I could not figure out what was bothering me more, Liam’s unacceptable blast of destructive anger, or the fact that he enforced his lips on mine –a compulsory kiss, that will be the best way to describe it.

           People say that when you kiss someone, you reveal yourself to them. In return, they should expose themselves to you, but it doesn’t really work that way. After all, we are not qualified to compare human beings to fairy tales, and no one really aims for what beyond the good looks, and often get fooled by what is on the surface.

           Perhaps it was the circumstances, but I didn’t like what I saw in Liam, there was a strange form of ugliness inside him. I couldn’t figure it out, and it didn’t fit there, in that puzzling personality of his. That was something else I had to worry about.

           I realize that lying isn’t the best solution. In fact, it is not a solution at all. Liars are classified in the lowest class of society. But, in my case, I believe I made the right decision by not telling Liam, and I probably saved him from the unnecessary feeling of guilt, he was definitely not capable of holding such a great responsibility. Maybe, I thought he was trustworthy when we first met, but it turned out that he was nothing like that kind and loving person.

           “Alright, sis. That is it,” Jordan said, switching off the stereo, cutting off the song I was listening to. The room instantly went quiet, and my temporary mood booster vanished.  

           Immediately, a frown broke into my face. “Hey! I was listening to that!” I protested, sending him an annoyed look.  

           Jordan shook his head disapprovingly. “This has got to stop, Selena. You have been stretched out on the couch for the last few days. . . .I don’t know what is going with you, but you–“

           “Jordan, listen–“

           “No, you listen! I know something’s wrong. . . .You haven’t left the goddamn apartment for three days! You just sit there, with those freaking depressing Mayday Parade songs blasting out of the stereo!” Jordan snapped, clearly upset about the condition I was in.

           What was he talking about? Mayday Parade’s songs are so not depressing!

           “Jordan. . .”

           Jordan sighed heavily. Slowly, he took a seat on the couch, right next to me. “I’m worried about you, sis. . .” he stated, a concerned expression displayed on his face.

            “I’m fine,” I lied, lowering my head slightly, in attempt to hide my face.

            “We both know that you are a thousand miles away from being fine, and I need you to tell me, what happened in that charity event?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, his serious gaze caused a feeling of guilt to build up inside of me.

            A defeated sigh escaped my lips. “It’s a long story, I don’t even know where to start. . . .” I trailed off.

            If only you knew. . .

            “Since when does that stop me from me from listening to your problems?” Jordan said, letting out a quiet chuckle.

            “Alright, it’s about Liam,” I told him.

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