A Rainy Summer 25

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~Chapter (25)~


Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein

        I still recall the first time I heard that thoughtful quote. It was Adrian whom had shed the light on those wise words of Albert Einstein. A week after our dreadful visit to my doctor -back in New York. The news the doctor had delivered was overwhelming. Intolerable. Imagine, being told that you only had a year or less to live, if not treated. Yep, that’s right. Pitiful isn’t it?

        Adrian struggled with the situation himself, but he was awfully determined to pull me out of my depressed stance. And I hate that. I hated that, simply because I wished for a near death. To escape the insufferable wait for my end. You see when you are depressed, every move you make makes a lot of difference. The worst thing you can do is stand up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better.

         Life is a sequence of moments called now. Each moment has its own shifting presence –its own identity. Whether it is a moment of happiness or grieve, it holds a great meaning. But, the power to control and deal with those moments are in our hands.

         Adrian’s mesmerizing voice rang in my ears, sending shivers all over my body. Oh! How I missed that voice.


         A happy person may be in high spirits, yet he can get wasted and kill another human being while driving back to his house.

         It’s your life. Your decisions. . .You can choose to become a pessimist –one who settles for defeat and watches as his life slips away before his eyes. Or you can become an optimist. A strong fighter. Every time you fall, keep trying until you reach your desired moment.


         And I choose to become a fighter. I wish you could see me now. Preparing to sing in front a huge crowd in less than a week. You would have been proud Adrian.    

         “Selena! That clumsy guy of yours is waiting for you outside!” Jordan called out, his voice resonating from the living room.

         Clumsy guy? It was just a onetime accident!

         “Alright, I’ll just put my shoes on,” I yelled back. Quickly, I wore my running shoes and tied the laces securely. “Hey Jordan! I wrapped a few sandwiches for you. Bring it with you to the hospital.”

         “What about you? Did you have anything to eat?” Jordan asked, his tone filled with concern.


         Responding, I shook my head. “I’ll grab a bite later. Don’t wait for me,” I waved at him and made my way out right away. 

         After spending the night in the hospital, we all agreed on returning home for some rest. Liam insisted on spending the night, he wanted to speak to Ben as soon as he woke up. Fortunately, the doctor did not allow it. Julia was granted about ten minutes to see him, he was not in a state of full consciousness. The doctor informed us that Ben was in a stable condition, and that that he would be released out of the hospital in five days.

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