A Rainy Summer 10

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The awkward silence that fell between Liam and I seemed like it would never end. It was starting to get to my nerves. I couldn't take it anymore; It was excruciating. The sound of humming birds, whispering couples, and laughing children were my only source of entertainment.

I had already gone to the coffee shop on the other side of the street twice in the awfully long  past minutes. Twenty minutes -or twenty-one minutes to be exact. Liam has not said a word since I asked him to tell me about Kate. He only drank the coffee I brought him earlier. Other than that, he did nothing but gaze at the little children who were running and playing in front of us.

Unwillingly I started humming the first random song that popped in my mind. "Scooby- Dooby-Doo, Where are you? We've got some work to do now. Scooby-Dooby-Doo, we need some help from you now. Come on Scooby-Doo, I see you...."

Liam's abrupt laughter startled me and made me jump a little. I didn't realize that my voice was loud enough for him to hear, but apparently it was. He was holding his stomach and laughing hysterically. I smiled to myself as the beautiful sound filled the air with joy and happiness.

"Scooby-Doo!" Liam said and tried to stop him-self from laughing but he failed.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Liam responded with a chuckle.

"No really, What?" I asked.

"It is just....lame," Liam stated.

A frown broke in my face immediately, my eyes narrowing slightly. "Scooby-Doo is not lame."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it is not," I argued. How dare he say that Scooby was lame? It was one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid. "Scooby is very cool."

Liam scoffed. "There is nothing cool about Scooby. Just a bloody dog with legs longer than his whole body."

I frowned at him. "That is not tru-"

"And those ears...." He trailed on.

"Stop offending my Scooby!" I cried out giving him a warning look.

Liam chuckled and raised both of his hands up in the air. "Alright, alright."

I couldn't help but smile at his sudden change of mood, and I couldn't be more grateful for breaking the killer silence. Liam was incredible, his lovely laugh melts down mountains of frosty ice, and his gorgeous smile lights up the place like the fourth of July night sky. I have never met anyone who can do that so easily.

"Do you want a cookie?" I offered, holding out one the delicious cookies I bought from the coffee shop earlier.

Liam arched one of his eyebrows. "Where did you get that from?" He asked.

"That, I bought on my second trip to the coffee shop across the street," I said handing him the chocolate cookie.

"What?!" Liam exclaimed, his eyes widening slightly. "When did you leave?"

"Uh, well I could say I'm offended but I don't blame you."

"Seriously, When did you leave?" Liam questioned.

"You zoned out for too long, I guess you didn't notice," I responded shrugging and gave him a small smile.

Liam frowned instantly. "But how is that possible? Every time I turned, you were there."

I smiled and said. "I tried to make it quick, so I ran all the way back and forth."

"You ran?"

"Yep, it was really fun. I raced with that cute blond boy," I grinned gesturing towards the sweet boy I played with. The boy caught me looking at him, he grinned widely and waved at me while jumping up and down. I waved back in return, then I saw Liam from the corner of my eyes waving at him as well. I could tell that he loved children, and it was clear that he knew how to deal with them. I guess it had to do a lot with the fact that he practically raised his sister after their mother left them.

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