A Rainy Summer 19

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~Chapter (19)~

“What? What did you just say?”

“That man over there- Jeffery Cox, he is an international drug dealer –and quite a dangerous criminal,” Liam said with a very serious tone of voice.

“How do you know that? Do you do drugs?” I asked as a frown broke into my face.

Liam blinked twice, surprised at my serious accusation. “No! Of course not, how can you even ask me such a thing?” he said, giving me a disapproving look.

“Then explain to me, Liam. How did you recognize that man? How did you know he was a drug dealer?” I questioned with a very demanding tone.

I was extremely mad, and upset. Different sorts of feelings invaded my body, I felt strong anger towards Ben. Sympathy and compassion for the sweet loving Julia, and sadness for my dear brother.         

“Are you bloody serious? Do you honestly believe that I am a junkie?” Liam yelled angrily.

“I don’t know! I don’t know what to think anymore! I never thought that Ben was in anyway associated with drugs,” I cried out, throwing my hands up in frustration.

“Listen. After Kylie was. . . killed, I tried to find all the leads and evidence that incriminated that murderer James. During my investigation, I came across with many outlaws, including drug dealers. Jeffery Cox was one of them, he helped me locate another victim of James, but she was too frightened to testify in court. . .” Liam explained sighing heavily.

“I am sorry, Liam,” I whispered quietly. I felt awful for pouring out all of my anger on Liam, he did not deserve that from me, and it was definitely not his fault that Ben was involved with some kind of a criminal.

“It’s fine,” Liam muttered, looking away as we walked on the street side by side.

“I. .I did not mean it, Liam. I am just so upset about this whole thing. I keep wondering what’s going to happen to Julia when she finds out, and Jordan. . . .Oh God!” I blurted out, feeling my eyes starting to well up with tears.

Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. “Don’t worry about it, everything is going to be alright.”

Liam’s lovely touch worked as usual, just like magic. It sent me a great amount of positive feelings. A smile crept to my face as I glanced at his arm around me.   

“How? How is that possible?” I asked.

“I have a couple of ideas stored in my mind. But, you have to keep this between us, you can’t tell your brother. Not right now at least,” Liam told me.

I raised one of my eyebrows in confusion. “Why? Jordan is Ben’s bestfriend, he could be able to help him, you know,”

“I will talk to Cox as soon as I get the chance, a few things are required to be arranged first. I prefer to hear the full story first, and then you can tell your brother,” Liam responded, giving me a reassuring look.

“No, don’t do it”


“Don’t go to this man, he’s clearly a dangerous criminal. It is too risky, Liam,” I said and shook my head, looking into his oceanic blue eyes.

“Selena, I have dealt with this man before. You have nothing to be concerned about,” Liam mumbled as we stopped by a coffee stand, he paid for two cups of coffee and a waffle.

“No, please! You could get hurt, Liam,” I said and gave him a pleading look.

Liam’s lips slowly twisted into a smile.

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