Chapter 91 - High Cold Event

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The next few days pass uneventfully. The only thing of note was the rapidly decreasing temperatures. 

*Warning: High Cold Event beginning soon. Please find shelter.*

As World Knowledge gives me that warning, I notice the presence of hundreds of snow-white butterflies. They look like a scaled up snowflake that's split down the middle to form two pairs of wings. They're fluttering about all over the grove. 

It seems that with each flap of their wings, the temperature goes down a little more. Dark clouds form overhead, and a piercingly cold wind begins to blow. 

I give a signal, and my Servants along with Delpha and grandma head into my cave. Sensing the approaching cold, I took the liberty of draping the entrance with my silk. Having reached Master in Trapmaking, I'm able to now imbue my thread with special properties.

There are two properties related to Heat and Cold imbued thread: Emit and Insulate. Emit makes my silk release its stored Heat or Cold Element, inflicting those in contact with it either with Overheat or Hypothermia. Insulate prevents ambient Heat or Cold from moving past the silk.

There's two layers to this silk entrance; the outer layer insulates against Cold, barring it from entering the cave, and the inner layer insulates against Heat, keeping heat from escaping the cave.

Within the cave itself I've set up some Heat Crystals. Implementing a planned flaw in them allows them to leak small amounts of Heat Element over time, causing the temperature in the cave to rise. I'm not too worried about it getting too hot, since only the entrance is draped in the Heat silk, excess heat would still dissipate through the soil and rock.

I secure the 'door' I've made to let us enter the cave, and turn to face the gathering of monsters and two humans. "Well, I hope it won't last too long..." I mumble as I glance back towards the wall of silk. It used to be slightly translucent, but now it's beginning to become a solid white as snow batters the outside. 

"I hope the Dragons are okay..." Delpha pets Ame and Mabe. The Bidra seems to have gone quite sluggish in the cold, but they begin to perk back up once they get exposed to the heat in the cave. 

"They should be. Unlike us, they don't have a set nest, and they also don't need to stay where they are." I reply, walking up to them. "Besides, I have it on good authority that the tropical and desert areas of the Domain will be protected from this Event."

"I suppose you're right. But it's strange, there was a High Heat Event this summer, and now there's a High Cold Event..." Delpha looks troubled. It's no wonder. From what I've learned by now, High Element Events happen perhaps once every three or so years, and it's almost always a different Element.

Having two High Element Events in the same year is incredibly rare. 

*High Element Events are caused by the presence of Elemental Crown Butterflies. In order to protect and feed their larvae, the adults release large amounts of built up Magic into the surroundings before dying. These Insectoid monsters spend up to twenty years stockpiling their respective Element before they mate, lay eggs and release their pent up Magic as they die.*

Ah, I see. They are like... very aggressive cicadas. I'm guessing something in the environment caused them to go early?

*Calculating... It is highly probable that a combination of the events in the World at large has increased the total volume of ambient Magic available. With more available ambient Magic, the quicker the Elemental Crown Butterfly species would reach their target amount of stored Magic to begin spawning.*

So, other than my own influence, I'm guessing the moves of the Malice and the Summoning of the Hero might have played a part... I just hope that we don't get inundated with High Element Events because of this. 

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