Chapter 4 - Twisted Crafting

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As I wake up the next morning, the room that I've spent most of my goblin life in feels empty. Of the 5 groups that set out yesterday, 3 goblins in each, only my group had no losses (though we would of had one loss if I hadn't picked Life affinity...). 

One group did not return at all, and of the three remaining groups, one had lost two members and the two others had lost one each. We began as fifteen kid goblins, now we were eight.
The shaman entered the room, and once everyone was awake, led us to the main hall of the cave. 

There are more goblins here, twenty-six in total, including the shaman. The adults divide up into groups, and one by one we're being directed towards one of the different groups. Seems yesterday was a test of sorts, and now those that passed are assigned roles within the tribe.

Brutus was assigned to the hunting group, it's made up of three goblin warriors and one goblin rogue. Blue is assigned to the gatherers, composed of normal goblins.
Lastly, the shaman stands before me. "Goblin choose role self. Shaman not interfere." He states, then turns and joins the hunter group. 

There is also the scouts, who patrol the outer edge of our territory, they're normal goblins, but they seem to have a similar stat spread to the rogue. Finally there's the maintainers. They stay in or near the cave and make sure it is structurally sound, they also dabble in basic crafting, judging by their skills.  

I do want to take some time to make some sort of makeshift weaponry with the dagger I got. So for now I guess I'll join the maintainers.
I walk over to the maintainer group, and are welcomed into the group. From what I understand, I'm free to switch groups as I please as long as I contribute properly to the group whilst I'm a member. 

The others leave for their daily tasks, leaving me to my own devices. They had everything covered even without me it seems?
I make my way outside, and quickly spot some suitable saplings to experiment with. I retrieve the dagger and test it out on the smallest sapling.
It cut through the wood without effort, and I had to take care to not cut off too much in one go. I then cut down the other saplings as well. I then get to work with cutting off their branches. Carefully removing the bark, I then start sharpening the sticks.

*Crafting Skill Display Unlocked*
*Crafting Skill Obtained: Weapon Crafting (Novice)*
*You made 4 x Spears
(Primitive) (+30 Atc. +0 M.Atc. can be thrown, fragile)*

Okay, so they should be usable if the Skill system recognizes them as weapons. Now for the next step of the experiment. 
I store the spears and the dagger before I seek out the leader of the maintenance team. I inform him that I'll be leaving for a bit, but I'll be back very soon. He accepts this, as its not unusual for the others to leave to get specific things they're out of and need for their work that day.

I then head directly north to the Foolsbane bushes. I did want to test out the Hidden Space skill on the river, but that could wait until a later date.
Once I reach the clearing, I start picking berries with great care as to not get any juice on my hands. Once I'm satisfied with the amount, I turn to leave before pausing. It feels wrong to leave the body of the human laying under the bush. I decide to bury him, as well as test out the capabilities of the Skill I got from him. 

I find a suitable spot for a grave nearby, and start digging. Well, I'm more or less just storing the earth into my Skill, moving my hand around until a hole of decent size and depth has been made. I return to the bush, and hold my breath as I reach under it towards the decaying remains.

Somehow the corpse counted as a whole item, even though it had a loose arm and a missing hand. Didn't I toss that around here somewhere... There it was! Not that it mattered, but I hate doing things in half measures. 

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