Chapter 103 - Drill Sergeant Daimyo Dragon

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As I fly towards the cave, I contact the Daimyo Dragon. "I need a favor." 

<... As my Master, there's no need for you to request favors of me. Please, tell me your command.>

The Dragon is hesitant, their voice lacking the complete confidence it normally carries. It's as if they're bracing for the task I'm about to give them. 

"Nonsense, this a task that I believe would require recompense. I wish for you to train the Divine Champions currently in my Domain. From what I can tell, it's sorely needed." I try to keep my annoyance out of my voice. I'm too tired to keep up the facade much longer.


I can tell they're grimacing in disgust. Our Master-Servant connection tells me much about their state of mind, even if they'd wish to hide it from me. And Dragonoids from the Death lineage are particularly adverse about humanoids. The only tolerable humanoid, to them, is a dead one.

"I will grant you anything within reason, provided it won't conflict with the rules I've set for you to follow." I dangle the carrot in front of them, knowing full well what they desire.

<Will... Will you allow me to take Subordinates?>

Ah, yes, Subordinates, any Dragons dream. It's a bit complicated, but more or less, if a Servant is allowed by its Master, it can choose several monsters that are Minions of their Master. Once these Minions become Subordinated to the Servant, they no longer obey the Master directly, instead taking orders from the Servant.

 And like Servants getting a boon from their Master, Subordinates grow stronger than normal. Combine that with the Daimyo Dragons' ability to train others... 

In fact, there are already some Subordinate monsters in my Domain. The Spriggans that Vir'ava made from those Aurellium assassins were automatically Subordinated to her.

"I will. There's no need to start right this moment; please come by my den tomorrow. I'll be able to introduce you properly then." I finish talking with them as I land in front of the cave beneath Yggdrasil. Receiving a mental nod in response from the Daimyo Dragon, I wearily enter the cave.

Inside, the nine people and one monster I brought from the ruined village are waiting. Valena is the first to run up to me. Her irises are still purple, though the color has lightened into more of a pastel lavender that actually suits her nicely. The discoloration is most likely caused by me regrowing her eyes whilst she was still slightly tainted by Malice. Fixing it would probably require me to remove her eyes and regrow them again...

"I need to sit down, we can talk then." I mumble to her, fighting the desire to just fall asleep on the spot. Settling down into our pelt pile, I accept a hug from Valena, startling slightly as her breath turns shaky and she begins to cry into my mane. 

I glance at the others present. Their eyes are tired. It's been a long day, and several of them almost died. Hell, I think if Valena hadn't called for us, they'd all be dead or at the very least grievously wounded.

The large-eyed woman with the strange hair walks towards Valena and me. "I am Terne Fluxbeacon, may I ask how long our stay here will be? Given the abrupt nature of our travel, people are bound to worry about us." Her voice is composed, but I sense some arrogance.

"I've informed the King of your location. Besides, why not wait for the snow to thaw before heading home again? I desire to give you all gifts to help fight the darkness in Illomen Forest, but I need some time to prepare them." My tone remains cordial, though I'm sure Terne senses the implications I'm setting forth. They'll be leaving when I let them.

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