Chapter 17 - Finding a Home

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~So I realized I never did the monster bio for Cats, so I'm placing it here. -Author~

A Chimeric hybrid between a Cait Sith and an Ahool, originally developed as an endeavor to combine the offensive force of the Death element wielding Cait Sith with the size and mobility of the bat-like Ahool. the resulting Chimera was a slightly larger, winged feline hardly different from the original Cait Sith. It was considered, at the time, a failure as the Cat lost most of its offensive magic. In return, Cats make excellent companion monsters due to their size and relative sturdiness, as well as a newfound specialization in support and healing type spells.
There's two general types of Cats, the bipedal "Hunter" and the quadruped "Companion". The only difference between them is the Hunters ability to use tools and weapons due to their front legs being freed up.
Rank: 3 Stars (Both types)*

~Additional info that Millibelle would have requested about Chimeras:~

*A Chimera is the fusion of two different lifeforms into one cohesive entity. In all recorded incidents of Chimerism, humanoid experimentation was the leading cause for the phenomena. During the All-War, a great war involving all of the countries and kingdoms that existed at the time, a sort of weapons race began with each nation trying to create the most powerful and adaptable Chimera to use against the others. Most of the surviving specimens from that time escaped into the wild where they established feral populations. They, with the exception of a few such as the Cat, are designated for eradication.*

~Millibelle would of course be very disturbed by this info. Now, onto the chapter itself!~

I make my way out of the Guild Hall and onto the streets of the city. I yawn and stretch before wandering towards the trade district. I really got to get some sleep once I'm done here...
What I'm looking for is a weapons shop. Although I can make my own, I want to get a good reference for what's normal in this world. 

I'd also like to find some sort of magic shop that sells staffs and wands. Then I could probably mimic them with the materials I already have. I'm already plenty powerful, but being able to whip out something that makes me even stronger if I get in a tight spot would be a nice insurance to have. 

Oh and armor too, can't forget about that... I end up visiting all sorts of stores and just looking at the wares on display there, learning about how they are made from World Knowledge. By the time I'm done, the sun is low in the sky and I'm getting really tired. Time to make my way to the city gates. 

Luckily they perform no identity checks on the way out, so I have no issue getting through security. Once I'm outside the city gates I dash decently out of sight, before returning to my true form. Immediately warning horns go off from atop the walls of the city. Seems they spotted me even at this distance.

I spread my wings and take off, soaring high into the sky at top speed, out of range of any arrows before setting course for the closest of the way-points on my map. Keeping my speed high, I fly for a few hours before landing near a lake. By now the sun has set and I'm having issues keeping my eyes open.

Grabbing a drink of water before I go to sleep, I briefly survey the area for anything of interest. Seems that on the opposite side of the lake is a small settlement, but it should be far enough away for me not to worry about them. Taking shelter beneath a grand willow-looking tree for the night, I fall sound asleep.

The next morning, I wake as the suns rays start to filter through the canopy of the tree I slept beneath. Having a good stretch, I check my surroundings for potential threats. None that I can see, but it seems the villagers are preparing for something on the far side of the lake. I'd love to check it out, but I fear I'd just spook them if I came by for a look.

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