Chapter 25 - Back Home

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I fly as fast as I dare with the Huldr on my back, don't want her to freeze. It takes a while longer, but when my Lair comes into view, I'm happy. Then my mind floods with alerts and notifications. Were they all waiting for me to get back into range of my Lair before going off?!

*Alert! Due to users growth in power, the Lair increases in size. The effect of any Boons currently active are doubled during this time!*

Then a bunch of notifications from monsters seeing humanoids... Wait, they're all coming from... pets? Uh, companion monsters? Are they my minions now too???

*Alert! Damage to the Lair detected! Actions recommended: Make humanoids felling the forest of your Lair cease by any means necessary.*

*Notification: New monster species now call users Lair home: Jotun, Gyger, Nokk, Draugr, Gast, Northern Troll, Huldr.*

*Servant's Bond established with the new monster species*

Servant's Bond? What is that? Is that some sort of Minion thing? I suddenly feel aware of the Huldrs state of mind. A mix of tiredness, cold and hunger. 

*A Servants Bond is an advanced form of the Minion status. It is used to gain control over strong monsters who are weaker than you. It is more or less a form of employers agreement that in return for some power, the weaker monster follows your command. Due to your Hivemind Skill, it also grants the ability to understand and be understood by your Servants, regardless of their ability to actually speak.*

So this power I'm giving them...

*Currently, you are able to bequeath one Skill of your choosing onto your Servants. It is able to be fully used, meaning that if you, for example, grant the Skill Tail Action, the Servants without tails to use this Skill with, will grow a tail.*

Hmm... I'm gonna have to think this over. I'm guessing I can grant a Skill whenever?

*Sooner the better, as the impression that you are not upholding your end of the agreement might be given if you do not.*

Ugh, I never make good decisions under pressure. Okay.
As we fly in towards the center of the forest, it seems... way bigger than when I left? But don't trees take like, tens of years to grow? 

*One of your Boons, Boon of Fertility, is increasing the growth of the forest hundredfold in this time of Lair expansion. Innate World Knowledge has taken the humble liberty of shielding the area around the humanoid village from the forest growth, as it is predicted its envelopment by the forest would upset the user.*

... Good job, World Knowledge.

Now, the Skill to grant... A language Skill wouldn't be needed, as they can communicate with me... Steel Shell seems like a nice one. I'm guessing giving them Power Osmosis would be a very bad idea...

*Skills with the (Unique) tag, can not be bequeathed to Servants.*

Oh, that slims down the list quite a bit, huh. I'm guessing Unique(Species) is also out of the question?


Okay! OH! I know! Teamwork! 

*Will you bequeath the Skill: Teamwork (Lesser) to your Servants?*
*Yes - No*

A tingling feeling spreads in my chest, before several tiny balls of light fly out and down into the forest. One of them flies up above me, and the Huldr's demeanor changes to one of surprise and delight. 

*Skills activated: Teamwork (Lesser) and Leadership (Lesser)*

"Oh Master! What a thoughtful gift!" I hear in my head. Even though I've never heard her voice speaking, I know instinctively it's the Huldr. Going in for landing by the giant tree in the middle of the forest, I spot two boulders. Those weren't there before?

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