Chapter 2 - Of stats and skills

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~Hey, author here. I'm from a country that uses the metric system, but since I like to be inclusive I'll graciously add a translated measurement in feet and pounds and Fahrenheit where needed so you don't need to google to get a grasp on sizes and temperatures etc~

I slowly come to, my breathing slightly hampered by a little blue goblin laying across my chest. It seems both of us have grown in the time I've been asleep. World Knowledge did mention that Goblins reach 75% of their adult size in a week or so. too bad I have no real comparison to gauge my size to. 

*An adult un-Evolved Goblin rarely gets higher than 120 cm (ca 3.93 feet) tall, females tend to be slightly smaller than males; you're currently about 40 cm (ca 1.3 feet) tall.*

Aha. That answers that I guess. I gently remove my brother from my chest and sit upright. Looking around I see that most of my other siblings are still sleeping, only moving to reposition  themselves into a better spot in the pile. Me and the little blue goblin, I'll nickname him Blue for now, are a little bit away from the rest of the group, but I don't mind. Even in my old life I was never one for physical contact, unless I initiated it myself. 

I then survey the outside of the nest. We're, predictably, in a cave. Not a rocky one though, seems like this one was more or less excavated from the dirt, probably the founders of this cave just dug straight into a cliff or a hill. There is an adult laying on a pile of dried grass not too far from the nest, I'm guessing they're the baby-sitter. Since the adult is sleeping, I suspect it's currently night, unless goblins are active during the night in which case it'd be day?

*Goblins are typically active in the time where there are the least amount of predators around, which varies from habitat to habitat. There is no real way to know the time of day without seeing the sky at the moment*

I... see. Oh well, I can at least tell that it is sleep time. Before I settle back down, I want to confirm something. I inspect my body, hoping something will tell me more about my current state, there seems to be some sort of tutorial system in place, so there might be some sort of status or stat display? Innate World Knowledge called itself a Skill after all.

*Do you want to display your stats?*

I reply with yes in my head.

*Displaying stats*

Name: Unnamed
Species: Goblin (Goblinoid)(Common)
Gender: Female
HP: 10 (100%)
MP: 10 (100%)
SP: 7 (100%)
Attack: 2
Armor: 3
Magic Attack (M.Attack): 5
Magic Armor (M.Armor):5
Speed: 2

Strenght (STR): 2
Constitution (CON): 2
Intelligence (INT): 5
Willpower (WIL): 5
Dexterity (DEX): 2

Innate World Knowledge (True - Unique)  -  Language Comprehension: Goblin (Great)
Teamwork (Lesser)  -  Power Osmosis (True - Fated - Unique)
Condition Resistance: Poison (Lesser)  -  Condition Resistance: Disease (Lesser)
Hardy Digestion (Normal)

Social Titles:
Compassionate Makeshift Midwife

Huh, I seem to have a very basic stat spread with a focus on magic? Also I'm resistant to poison and disease it seems. The social titles are weird though, what do they do? also this "Power Osmosis (True - Fated - Unique)" gives me a bad feeling. What does Fated mean?

*Social titles affect how other living things interact with you, for example, Compassionate makes others more willing to accept your help, Makeshift Midwife makes it easier to safely deliver or hatch babies, but has a lesser effect than the proper Midwife title.

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now