Chapter 96 - All or One

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As I speed towards the last village, I spot a dark shape moving below. It stands out vividly against the blindingly white snow that blankets everything. I can see the village in the distance, and estimate the shadow to be a few hours walking time away from it.

I stop and slowly descend until I get a better look at the dark form. It's a humanoid! And they're surrounded by five ice blue blobs. Not wanting to distract the humanoid, I cast Invisibility on ourself as I get even lower. The humanoid is clothed in padded armor that's accented with fur.

The fur has a pattern not unlike that of a snow leopard, so it probably hails from some sort of Mammaloid monster that looks alike. I shift my attention towards the blob-like monsters. Now that I'm closer, they seem to be a sort of Slime.

*Frost Jelly*
*An Uncommon Celluloid monster that's Evolved from a normal Slime in response to high amounts of ambient Cold Element. Its core has become encased in a thick layer of ice that doesn't melt even if exposed to intense Heat. Able to use some basic Cold Magic, its main form of self defense is to attach itself to its attacker, using its low body-temperature to wear down the aggressor. Due to its body being cold enough to instantly freeze water that comes in contact with it, it's not recommended to use Water Magic against it. This same low body-temperature perpetually envelops the Frost Jelly in a thin layer of icy haze. 
The main part of use from a Frost Jelly is its core. If tempered correctly, it can be shaped into a weapon of pure, un-thawing ice, making for excellent weaponry against monsters weak to Cold.*
*Rank: 3 Stars*

Hovering silently above the scene below me, I watch as the hunter moves to dispatch one of the Jellies. Their weapon, a naginata from the looks of it, hums as it slices through the air, aiming to rupture the membrane holding the Frost Jelly together. 


An odd sound issues as the weapon impacts against the monster, denting its round shape before recoiling and the Jelly resumes its form, jiggling slightly with excess momentum. Seemingly shocked by the sudden recoil, the hunter staggers backwards.

I sense that this might end poorly for the hunter. I search our memories for a suitable Eastern Spirit to summon. 

*Note: The Yuki-Onna is able to exert control over Cold-Aligned monsters. It is also able to freely move or reshape snow, making it highly useful for your future task of unburying the village.*

Ah, thanks, World Knowledge. I Summon forth a Hitodama from the Origin Soul Core before directing my MP into it. The pale blue flames that wreathe it grow in size, taking the rough shape and size of an adult human before a bright light emits from the Hitodamas core.

Once the light fades, a beautiful woman sits side-saddle on my back. Her hands and face are pale white, her hair a silvery blue. She's clad in some sort of malleable ice in the shape of a kimono. If I look closely at the semi-transparent garment, I can make out the faint outline of a skeleton within. 

The newly Summoned Yuki-Onna opens her eyes, they're piercingly intense, and smiles at me. She then directs her attention to the fight below. In the time it took me to Summon the Yuki-Onna, the hunter's met with some trouble. Two Frost Jellies are stuck to their feet, rooting them in place. 

"Enough" Her words are odd, but remind me of japanese. They're translated for me thanks to the subtitle function of World Knowledge. Hearing her command, even though they probably don't understand her either, the Frost Jellies hesitantly let go and retreat from the hunter, who now has their full attention on us. 

Summoning the Yuki-Onna undid the effect of Invisibility, so I'm visible as well. The hunter trainst their weapon on us, their every move trying to hide the fact that they're exhausted from the scrap with the Frost Jellies. 

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