Chapter 99 - A Bitter Lesson

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~Content Warning: Body Horror~

Valena's POV

I fight the urge to vomit, intently taking gulps of air as I turn away from the pile of bones. Brocken appears from behind the corner he fled to, his skin pale and sweaty despite the cold air.

"The others are coming." Oyvind warns, translating for his companion. "Drawn here by the noise, let's hope." He adds.

"Retreat is not an option. We'll be routed if we try to leave with Grieg- we might be routed even if we leave him behind." Terne readies her weapons. Unlike the highly modified claws she was using before, these ones are simpler in their design. I nod grimly before retrieving my helmet from the floor.

A low, guttural growl rises from somewhere. Rafflina turns her head to face the source of the noise, fully utilizing her species' ability to sense heat-sources to give us an edge. Her head-frills unfold, long blade-like scales forming a sturdy yet flexible shield to protect her weakest spot, the area where her neck meets her head.

Great Armolisks are fully armored by steel-like scales that rival even the finest craftsmanship in terms of flexibility and defence. It also has four great frills, two on its head, and one on each forearm, that is either used for offense or defense. 

To say the two meter (~6,5 feet~) tall Reptileoid keeps the enemy at bay is an understatement.


Rafflina hisses, a noise accompanied by the grating of metal against metal as she rubs her fore-arm frills together. As if in response, something busts through the wall she was looking at. A horrid squeal sounds as whatever it is charges the Armolisk.

"Protect the body! Shield!" Brocken calls out, using an incantation. Although it's short, it's enough to tip anyone well versed in magic off that he's not used to casting this Spell. The more often a Spell is cast, the less ones need to 'state intent' when doing it. 

Most make do with simply shouting the name of the Spell, the step beyond this is putting the incantation to thought, not saying anything as the Spell is cast. At least, that's what Merkiv told me when we were practicing magic.

Rafflina's body glows with azure as she moves to intercept the charging thing. Rearing up onto her hind legs, her long tail acts as a third leg, making it incredibly difficult to topple her. As the dust settles slightly, we can all see what she's grappling with.

It's easily nearly three meters (~9,8 feet~) tall, with a hulking frame bulging with muscle. As if to offset this, its gut is massive, reaching nearly to its knees. Small, beady eyes are set deep into its skull, which shares an uncanny resemblance to a Entelodontis, though there's a disturbing hint of humanoid features there too.

Its meaty hands have two fingers and a thumb, and its hind legs look like someone scaled up the hind legs of a Razorback and glued them on. 

"Hold your fire! You might hit Rafflina!" Oyvind shouts as he himself readies his bow. Having fought alongside his companion monster since he was ten, he is the man most suited to take pot-shots now that she's holding down the other 'monster'.

Well- I don't even know what to call this thing. It doesn't feel right to call them monsters. Abominations perhaps? Yes, that feels more correct. 

Oyvind lets loose several arrows in quick succession. Those that aim for the abominations legs and arms simply bounce off, barely leaving a cut where they hit. Those that hits its massive stomach sink in with relative ease, lodging deep, but the abomination doesn't even take notice of this. 

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