Chapter 62 - The Royal Children

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I got a good scolding by Puyo when I returned. There were even some half-formed words of Low Dragon among her angry chirping that only abated when she was busy scarfing down a piece of meat. After her angry meal, she once again wraps herself around my neck, just a little too tightly for it to be comfortable.

I sit with the basket of eggs in front of me. Each of them is a non-descript, oval shape with a cream color. Only by using my ability of inspection can they be told apart. Puyo gently preens my mane, though I can tell she's eyeing the eggs with interest.

"They're your siblings." I tell her. She pauses for a moment, her cat-like pupils dilating as she views them with renewed attention. "I'm going to be hatching them soon, so you need to be a good older sister to them." I gently stroke her chin, being rewarded with a strange cooing.

Actually, I'd need to leave her with Delpha or Huldr whilst I do that. I don't want to hurt her by exposing her to the high levels of Magic I'll have to apply to make them hatch. I gently untangle Puyo from my neck and hold her in front of me.

"I know you want to be with me right now, but it's dangerous. I promise I'll be with you lots afterwards, okay?" Puyo responds by puffing her feathers and giving an angry squawk. She then looks at the eggs again and pauses. Her eyes fill with conflict for a moment, before her feathers flattens down again and she nods.

I smile, and head outside to leave her in the care of Delpha. She's currently... having a staring contest with the Plant Dragon. Huldr seems to be a somewhat unwilling referee in this intense match between human and Dragon. The Plant Dragon's third eyelid is twitching, and their jaw hangs slightly agape in concentration.

I watch for ten more seconds before the Dragon yields, looking down and away in shame as they rapidly blink to ease the discomfort of dry eyes. "Delpha... win." Huldr announces in her slow and methodical manner of speaking Common. Delpha throws up her hands in victory, tears filling her slightly reddened eyes. 

"H-How long have you two been at it?" I ask, quite bemused. "Two minutes? Maybe?" Delpha replies, her cheeks flushing red as she notices my presence. "Could you take care of Puyo for a little while? I want to hatch her siblings, and that involves a lot of Magic." I hold forward a small Quetzalcoatl that eyes her new caretaker with contempt. 

"Ah, and also, don't enter the cave, no matter what happens, okay? If things get scary outside, hide in your house, okay? I don't want to harm any of you by exposing you to the Magic I'm going to use." I warn as I hand over Puyo. Delpha nods.

"Actually, where's Grandma?" I suddenly notice she's not here to watch over Delpha as she usually is. "She said she had some things to do in the village, so Bug escorted her there." Delpha responds. Bug was the nickname chosen by the biggest of the Jotun. Aparently it's short for Big Ugly Guy, something he though was a nice description for him. 

I don't quite understand it, but I guess less handsome is better for Jotun? Who am I to judge though, with my human sensibilities. "I see. She should be fine if she's with Bug." I don't worry for her being harmed by the inhabitants of my Domain, I'm more worried about humanoids, particularly any associated with the Aurellium.

Now that Puyo is safe, I retreat to the cave to prepare. First, I weave a dome of neutral magic over the basket. This should shield the other eggs from the worst of the magic I'll unleash. Next, let's begin with the Lampetia, they should be of the most even temper.

I bring the egg out of the basket, into a little silk bowl I've constructed to hold it steady as it hatches. I then begin gathering Light Element from out of the ambient Magic. The egg glows and shimmers a golden white, and I have to shut my eyes tightly to not go blind from the dazzling light emitting from it.

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