Chapter 72 - Time and Space

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As I lay down in the cold and yellowing grass, Erkut, the human man who's the former leader of the death-squad sent to finish off me and Millibelle, walks over and sits down next to me. I open my eyes, giving a disinterested glance at him before closing them again.


There's an awkward silence between us, but the bond our minds now share tell me what he's thinking of. 

"Go on. I'll explain as best I can." I mumble to him. "Ah- Uh. If you don't mind me saying... You look much... different from what the description we were given." His voice quivers, equal parts nervousness and fear. He's sitting next to the sworn enemy of his former boss as if we were friends after all.

"Well, that's no wonder. Considering I'm not currently in that form." I answer as the thorns coiling themselves around most available supports in the grove start moving, seemingly undulating in tune to the song now emanating from the cave beneath the Elder Oak.

Seems her voice got even better once she Evolved. "Ah- is that the Vir'ava? I saw her enter that cave just before." Erkut asks, his eyes wide in wonder at the ethereal display before us. The mists start swirling, as if the grove was filled with phantasmal dancers, all the while the thorny vines keep the rhythm. 

"Yes, she sings to soothe me." Erkut gives me an odd look. "Here, it's quicker if I show you." I get up and stretch. Although my SP isn't completely filled yet, it's high enough that I feel comfortable using Share Nutrients on Her.

As we approach the cave entrance, the Spriggan that guard it move to block Erkut from entering. A stern stare from me makes them back off though.

"It's okay, I'm just giving him some perspective." I tell the Vir'ava via Telepathy, sensing her annoyance at the human's presence. 

"AH- W-What's that?!" Erkut cries out in horror at the form before him once his eyes adjust to the dim light inside the cave. 

Before us lie the sleeping form of the Great Monarch, Millibelle. The Degradation is spreading at a steady pace. The limbs She regrew during the struggle with the Hero are the most damaged; swollen, purple and covered in tumorous, spiky growths. The damage is less apparent on the rest of Her body, but I know from being Her that the spread is soon too much. 

I have at most a day or two to make the Divine Spring. I cannot wait for the Dragons to return with Oasis Water nor Celestial Marble. I have to see it, then replicate it here. 

"That is my true form. This is the aftermath of the fight with the Hero." I state, plainly. "H-How could this-?" Erkut stammers, an instinctual fear of the Malice that's within Her welling up inside of him. 

"Simple, your boss, Aurellium, fights dirty. That armor the Hero was given by the Aurellium was a Chimera of some sort, at least that's my working theory. Regardless, that armor had tubing full of pure Malice." Enforcing my will upon his mind, I forcefully calm him so he is able to take in the information I'm giving him.

"I'm slowly turning Hateful, and once I do, the World will end.


"Think about it. A monster that absorbs the power of those she slays, combined with the chaotic hatred of the Malice... A monster that cannot be reasoned with; unlike the True Tyrant which let itself be killed once it realized the damage it was causing the World. The only end result would be the complete annihilation of all life but mine."

Erkut falls to his knees. "So it's all lost then? Why even offer us the chance of redemption if the end is so close at hand?" He asks, a hint of subdued anger in his voice. 

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