Chapter 76 - Making Choices

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The regrowth of my limbs progresses steadily over the next few days. Whilst waiting for them to be fully regrown, I've been taking it easy, resting my battered body and preparing for the Ritual of Rebirth.

"So, we get to choose the monster we're reborn as?" Kelsh, the male Pyrean tilts his head quizzically. His shark-like teeth glint as he speaks, and he has a tendency to keep his lips such that the sharp edges of his teeth are visible. 

Most likely an intimidation technique that's become a habit. Pyrean teeth are indeed sharp and can inflict deep lacerations on unguarded skin. From just a cursory glance at his memories I can tell he's had to act tough to get by. 

"Within some limits. You see, the Ritual cannot add power, at least not without greatly adding to the chance that it fails." Sensing the confusion of the two others, Tiana and Erkut, I elaborate. 

"When you make an Undead, it is Raised with the Core Statistics of the body it was made from. However, the Core Stats of an Undead are often much higher than those of humanoids or even some monsters. Over time, their Core Stats will rise much quicker than normal until they meet the normal Stats of the species of Undead they were turned into."

I pause, checking to make sure they're all following along so far. They are, good.

"However, you will not become Undead, you will become normal monsters. Therefore that process doesn't happen. So I need you to choose monsters that have Stats close to those you have. Of course, since you'll become monsters, you'll be able to grow and Evolve like normal."

At least, I hope you will.

Tiana nods her head slowly. Our Hivemind bond tells me that she's understanding, and is already thinking of options that fit within this new constraint. Erkut seems a bit dejected, possibly because this means his desired pick is way out of reach. 

"So Dragonoids are completely out of the question?" Kelsh asks. 

"They are. Of course, you could choose a Pseudo Dragonoid and hope that you're able to Evolve into a true Dragon." I reply, noting how Erkut's face lights up in realization. "If you tell me of your desired new form, I should be able to advice you, Erkut." I smile at him as he blushes.

"Well, I've already picked something that fits the criteria, so I'll just confirm it with you later." Tiana casts a glance at Erkut before getting up and walking off. She's a bit odd, that Tiana. Nice enough when in one of her rare good moods, but she gets these bouts of gloom that see her wandering off alone and getting quite upset if anyone follows her. 

Of course, I can always tell where she is and what she's doing, so I have no worries about it.

"Ah- Millibelle, I wanted to become an Akhlut, but that's far beyond what's possible, isn't it?" Erkut mumbles, clearly shy about his pick. 

*Akhlut - An apex predator that combines the features of a giant wolf and an orca. Its ability to hunt just as well on land as in the freezing waters of its arctic home makes it beloved as a symbol of adaptability for the people of the frozen north.*

Ah, I can see why he wants to become one of those. Any possible options for him to eventually achieve that dream?

*Option 1: Sea Hare - Combines the features of a hare and an otter. A low powered grazer, it avoids predators with speed and maneuverability both on land and in water. Evolving from the Sea Hare is the Amaroka, also known as the Lesser Glacial Wolf, which then can Evolve into the Akhlut.*

*Option 2: Skaldwylg - Small but determined carnivore closely resembling a cross between the arctic fox and wolverine of your World. Evolving from it is the Einkei, then Kelding, before finally being able to become the Akhlut.*

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now