Chapter 57 - Chimera Subjugation

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We make our way down the tunnel. It's nearly entirely straight, only deviating to make its way around metal deposits that seem to have been too hard for the Chimera to excavate. Less and less Chimera approach us as we continue, perhaps they've realized their situation and are withdrawing towards their nest.

"They're hunting us?"

"A folly."

"We will not tolerate this."

I pause as those familiar voices reach my mind. So it really is you, huh. I pinpoint their location. It's moving further away from me, but its close. The Queen. I cast Empower and Quicken on the Undead with me. Let's speed this up. 

Before I merely walked behind them as they ran, now I have to break into a light jog to keep up. I do notice that their SP is decreasing though. Once we encounter more Chimera, the Draugr savagely rip them to pieces, gorging themselves on the remains.

The Death Knight merely hold out a hand towards a carcass, and I sense magic flowing between the body and the Knight. It does restore their SP though, so I guess it's a Skill?

*The Death Knight, as well as many higher ranking Undead, possess the Necrophagy Skill. It allows them to consume the lingering magic in freshly dead entities to convert to SP. Like Vitaephagy feeds off the energies of the living, Necrophagy feeds of the energies of the dead. Additionally, entities that have been fed upon have a chance to revive as non-sentient Undead that serve the Undead that fed upon their corpse.*

Once the Death Knight has finished feeding, I incinerate the desiccated remains, leaving not even ash. They observe me, a solemn feeling emanating from them. They then shake their head and rally the Draugr so we can continue.

I'm unsure if doing that somehow saddened them, but I don't want more Undead rising, at least not at the moment. As we continue, the composition of the enemies we encounter changes. Going from mostly Tri-Ant Workers with the occasional Charger (the ones with large termite heads), to Digging Sneaks (the mantis-like Insectoid) and Tri-Ant Guards.

The Guards seem to specialize in the ant head, possessing an enlarged ants head with disproportionately large mandibles used for grabbing and restraining foes as its allies attack its victim. Unfortunately, the Size-Change and Ethereal Phase Skills made them less than useful against the Draugr.

The Digging Sneaks seem to have originally been preying on the Chimera, but now that the Owner of the Lair is in peril, their Minion Status makes them fight alongside the Tri-Ants. They're easy enough to kill, once you spot them at least. 

The tunnel, which up until now has been straight and without branches, suddenly branch out into a web of tunnels and chambers. A base of sorts used to breed more Chimera?

*Scans indicate the presence of structures on the surface. Tri-Ants predominantly position their nests under population centers in order to hunt the humanoids living there for food.*


*No humanoid entities detected*

My body tenses as an icy feeling spreads from my stomach. If on-

"We couldn't have known. Take your anger out on the one responsible instead of being upset with yourself for something you couldn't have prevented."

Shadow interrupts my thoughts. I hesitate, making the Undead with me turn to look at me with, at least in the Death Knights case, worry in their hearts. I take a shaky breath. "Kill them all, leave no Chimera alive." I order them. The Draugr hiss in delight, the first time I've ever heard them vocalize, and take off down the tunnels.

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora