Chapter 16 - The Trial Concludes

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The next morning

Millibelle's POV

I wake as the suns rise make it too bright for me to sleep anymore. As I rise to stretch my body, I feel something fall off my side. "Oof!" I look at where the noise came from, and I see Valena sitting on the ground, rubbing her head. Did she hit it when she fell? Out of old habit I try speaking to her, but all that comes out is a worried whine. 

I must have startled her, because she gasps and looks at me with a shocked expression. "Ah! Uh! I... was scared, so I slept next to you..." She stammers as she quickly gets up, her face an intense shade of red. I try to speak a few more times, all that comes out are whines and growls. Seems my new anatomy doesn't allow for spoken language. I sigh and reach out with Telepathy.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. Valena stiffens up and looks around for the source of the voice. She then looks at me. "You... have telepathy now?" She asks. I nod. Her expression becomes one of contemplation for a bit before she answers me. "I'm... not okay. I could hardly sleep tonight so I'm very tired, and you... I did this, didn't I?" She looks at me with tears welling in her eyes. But was this her fault though?

*The effect of the Social Title: Heart Eater would have activated regardless of your method of Evolution. As it seems to randomly affect evolution, this mismatched form of yours could theoretically have happened even if she allowed you to Evolve on your own.*

I relay this info to Valena. "It's perfectly fine for you to be afraid. You were used as a hostage by Leicher, and then he attempted to make me kill you... Luckily his Command was too weak to affect me in my new form." I add. She looks at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry, it's just so weird to hear you speak. All you could do before was baby talk! You really did grow up, huh." I mean, I've been able to speak properly all this time, just not in a language you understand...

I guess Telepathy works by translating intent? Or something. Valena rises and stretches, I do the same. Inspecting my Skill list, it seems I finally got Complex Shape Body, huh. I want to test it out. 

*Warning. User is highly suggested to wait a few days before using any form altering Skills, to give your entirely new form time to settle.*

Aw man. So I'm truly a new life-form, huh. 

*Affirmative. Based on current knowledge, your body is a fusion of a Tyrant and an Emperor, skipping the Young stage of development. It is entirely unknown if you'll be able to Evolve further, or into what. Your rarity is thus EXUnique, a lifeform that has only appeared once so far in this Worlds history.*

Well, I bet Tersa will be happy. The first researcher to describe an entirely new species of monster. Speaking of, she's just woken up. "Good morning Tersa." Valena has started preparing some breakfast. I bring out the things she needs. She looks at them and remarks dryly "I wish you'd stayed awake long enough to bring out my sleeping bag last night." Oh no! I was so tired, I completely forgot!

"Serves you right for making her carry all your stuff for you." Lentil says as he sleepily exits his tent. He lazily rubs his eyes before stretching into a yawn. His tail goes stiff and bushy as he does this. "You okay? Or are you still low on MP?" Tersa asks him. "I'll manage. Just need some food in my system and I should get better." He answers as he sits down by the campfire. 

"Wait, who had last shift?" Tersa asks. "Uh... I..." Valena meekly admits. Caught sleeping on duty! Oh no! "Well, I can't really blame you for falling asleep. I almost dozed off when I was sitting guard." Tersa shrugs. "How are you feeling, by the way? I think we all were pretty much in shock last night." Lentil asks. 

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora