Chapter 60 - The Dragons Conundrum

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Having cleared the first contest, I'm presented with the second one. 
<It's a bit tricky, and- well, you're not a Dragon, so I'm unsure if you can do this one.> The Life Dragon feigns worry. Are they really going to say I lost to them if I'm unable to do the same as them?

<You first get into the air, then erase your forward momentum. After that, you need to keep beating your wings whilst not moving forward to hover in place. The one that's able to do this the longest wins. We'll be doing it at the same time, as well, to more easily tell if it's close.>

So this is the contest of Constitution, and perhaps Willpower as well, as at some point you'd probably be able to keep going if it wasn't for your mind giving in to the fatigue.
"Let me try to do this once before we start properly, wouldn't want me crashing into one of you, now would we?" The Dragons agree. Despite our defenses, falling from a height could still be lethal.

Using Draconic Flight, I take off with a single beat of my wings. A vertical takeoff is easier to limit forward momentum with, but it's more draining. I theorize that I could keep using Draconic Flight to compensate, but that seems counter to the contest, as Draconic Flight uses MP and not SP.

Once I'm confident I won't careen off, I stop using Draconic Flight and start flying manually, aided with Aerial Acrobatics. I'm quite shaky the first few times, surging forward as I descend after every wing-beat, but once I get into the rhythm of flap-hold-flap, I remain quite stably in place as I move up and down.

Landing, the other Dragons glance at each other. I sense a hint of worry, probably because I was able to do something they thought I wouldn't be able to do. Or perhaps they hoped I wouldn't be able to do it. 

We all move into position, shoulder to shoulder, forming a line, though we're spaced far enough apart that the gusts from each others wings won't interfere with the others. 
<Get. Set. Hover!>

We all take to the air with various degrees of grace, and start hovering. Minutes pass before the first Dragon tags out, panting heavily as they struggle to maintain the strength to stand, their legs shaking. One by one, the others give up, and the plains are littered with dragons laying on their sides heaving for breath.

Finally, the Lightning Dragon gives up, and it's just me and the Air Dragon. I'm sure I can outlast them, as it seems the big drawback they have when moving like this is their inability to get enough oxygen. To me, that's a non-issue. I don't need to breathe because of Anaerobic.

I glance over to the Air Dragon. It's the smallest of the bunch, but their wings are relatively large compared to the others'. Their eyes are glassed over in deep concentration, and I can see their chest move with each deep breath they take. I'm sure they're the one that usually wins, and this will be a big blow to their pride.

Just as I'm about to return to focusing on my rhythm, I catch sight of the Air Dragon making one last flap of their wings before seemingly fainting. At this height, a creature of their size and weight would be heavily damaged by the fall. 

Without thinking, I rush to their aid as the other Dragons look on in horror. Splitting myself in two with Body Double, Shadow and I each grab one half of the Air Dragon, using Draconic Flight and Hover in tandem to slow our fall.

Since only HP, MP and SP is reduced for the body double, Shadow's easily able to aid me in slowly lowering the fainted Air Dragon to the ground. Once the Dragon is safely on the ground, we rejoin into one once more. 

I take a quick look at their Status.

Species: Air Dragon (Dragonoid) (Rare)
Gender: Male
Status: Unconscious (Great) - Exhausted (Great) - Starving (True)
HP: 1500/10.000
MP: 6800/7000
SP: 4830/10.000*

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