Chapter 48 - The Specifics of Undeath

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Once I'm recovered from the fight with the Ancient Lindorm, which took a few days, I finally feel well enough to be out and about again. Honestly, it wasn't so much the fight with the Lindorm that was tiring, but the restoration of the Dungeon.

Having the Lindorm taken apart would prove to be a challenge due to its size. Essentially, there's nowhere to put it where it won't go rotten before they manage to take care of all the parts, meaning I'd end up wasting a lot of it since the parts would lose quality as the corpse degraded. 

So, for now, I'll keep it in storage. Seems the closest place with facilities for processing large monsters is in Eyslef, by the coast. 

Instead, I decide to test out my new Skills and Spells. Most importantly, I need to figure out the specific limitations that are imposed upon Undead monsters. Doing this now, instead of making a mistake later, seems to be the correct course of action.

My test subject is a colorful songbird I've lured and trapped. Now, let's see... I cast Death upon the sparrow-sized monster, and after roughly half a minute, it flops over, dead. 

*Obtain dominion over Other Will of Lazurite Brushwarbler?*


*Dominion Successful*

... I expected some sort of feeling to accompany this, but I'm just aware that I have one Other Will ready for use. Like an invisible resource display in my head. Of course, I felt the warmth of Power Osmosis, but nothing more. I'll check what I got later, at the moment I want to get this experimentation over with.

I summon Animate Will: Bow, choosing a longbow. The bow that appears is simple, made out of wood, though it does have feather decorations below the handle in the same color as the bird whose Other Will I'm using. I inspect the bow.

*Animated Longbow - Undead - +50 Atc. +0 M.Atc. Arrows: Light Homing*

Eh? Light Homing?

*Made from the Will of an Avianoid Monster, these arrows are light, reducing their damage but increasing their range. The fletching acts as wings, steering the arrows as they fly, increasing their accuracy dramatically, though they cannot change direction, only guide up, down or to the left or right whilst maintaining their original direction of travel*

Oh. Interesting. So the type of monster the Will originally was influences how the arrows behave. Since this was a small avianoid, perhaps a larger one would produce normal homing? And a huge avianoid would make heavy homing... I'd need to catch and dominate other kinds of avianoids to test this though, so let's wait with that.

Next, I summon Animate Will: Spear, choosing a normal type. From what I understand, spear-type weapons include everything from the normal spear, to lances to naginatas and halberds. The result is a light spear with feathery decorations at the end of the shaft. It seems unremarkable.

*Animated Spear - Undead - +50 Atc. +0 M.Atc.*

It is. I'm guessing the most variety I'll see with weapons other than bows or crossbows is in looks. Or perhaps spears and Avianoids are a poor match? That might be it. I unsummon the spear and proceed to the next step of my experiments. 

The lifeless body of the Lazurite Brushwarbler still lies on the ground where it dropped, its legs and wings still tangled in my webs. Carefully, I untangle it, and use True Raise on the body. 

*Please select Autonomy. Currently 10%*

Hm? Autonomy, how much it will act on its own? 

*At 100% the Will will act as it pleases, though still carry out orders. At 0%, the Will will only move when ordered, even if attacked. At 10% it behaves much like your Draugr and Gasts do, defending themselves but otherwise not moving when not under orders.* 

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