Chapter 34 - Namers' Call

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~This chapter contains graphic descriptions and body horror~

Millibelles' POV

The next two days are spent mostly lazing about, occasionally helping my Servants with anything they needed assistance with. Now that the researchers had met the new species, they mostly concentrated on cataloging the various changes in the flora and fauna in my Lair.

And of course, the behaviors of the Jotun, Gyger and Huldr. I didn't mind, but I fear that after a while, my Servants got a bit tired of constantly being monitored. So once Mina let me know that they'd be leaving soon, I felt relieved. 

It's about noon, and I'm sitting about, weaving along with a few of the Gyger. 

*"H- lp"*


*"He-p... M- ib- lle"*

A voice... My body turns cold as I recognize it. Valenas voice!


A tight feeling in my chest, as if someone grabbed my heart and yanked. Everything goes blank.

*Effect of Skill: Namers' Call Activated!*

*Spell Learned! Teleport (Lesser) - A Spell of mythical power. Utilizing immense amounts of MP, this Space Elemental Spell lets the User instantly transport themselves across the World, provided they've visited the target location at least once.*

I come to a moment later. I'm dazed, confused, and in immense pain as I realize where I am. Before me stands a looming shadow, behind me, a group of humanoids huddled together, fright apparent on their faces. From what I gather, Valenas Skill teleported me, and since it's a Spell, I learnt it?

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I should cast Ba- 
Ah- My vision faded for a moment there. I'm... out of MP? 

The shadow, which I assume to be some sort of monster, turns around, revealing a thick, clubbed tail. It raises it, and brings it down heavily towards me. Actually, if I don't halt it, it'll completely crush the humanoids!

I hop into the air, using my strong legs to kick off with high force. I grab the tail, my momentum being greater that its own, and lift it into the air. 


A roar of surprise as the sudden shift of momentum throws the monster off balance. I took some damage from the effort, but now it's focused on me instead of the humanoids. "Get away from here!" I call out to them. I've worked out that I can in fact speak, but I have a slight lisp.

Refocusing my attention on keeping the monster occupied, I latch onto its back, stabbing it repeatedly with my tail. 


Its upset now! I manage to get off its back just before it careens into a tree in an effort to smash me. I land on a tree-trunk, as I can't hover without the aid of Draconic Flight, which uses MP I don't have. A quick look at its status... 

*Mossback Hammertail
HP: 80%
MP: 90%
SP: 70%
Status: Poisoned (Normal)*

A peculiar monster. It's huge, with four large and sturdy legs. A head, predominantly featuring a large beak, behind which sits several rows of molars. Small, beady eyes glare at me with anger. Its large form is covered in a thick layer of moss, and its most prominent feature must be the massive clubbed tail. 


It's beside itself with anger! I could just keep it busy whilst the poison does its work, but the longer this drags on, the greater the chance that the Hammertail ends up hurting or killing the humanoids, who seem unable to move. 

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