Chapter 112 - The Mystery of Wanderers End

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Just as the Servant's Bond was established between the Thunder-Lord Kechi and me, a bright white sphere of light appears between us. Both of us watch it carefully, unaware of what it is. 

*That sphere is a Dream Mote. In rare cases like this, where one Lair owner Bonds with another Lair owner, the Dream Mote appears to quickly facilitate the transfer of Lair Settings. If both of you touch it together, you'll be able to change the Settings between those of your Domain and the Thunder-Lord Kechi's Lair. The Dream Mote is only visible to the two of you, and will remain at the site of its appearance until the death of either of you.*

I quickly relay what World Knowledge told me. 

<Ah, so it is like that. I suppose you have access to more Boons than I, so I have no misgivings about letting your Settings be the ones in effect.>

Thunder-Lord nods in approval. I suppose this is quicker and safer than having us both enter the Dream together. 

*Large scale alterations to this Lair is only possible by entering the Dream proper.*

So there are limits. I can't change the Settings I have, only apply them. Oh well. 

We both reach out to the Dream Mote, and I flinch slightly as the voice I've come to know as World Knowledge speaks out loud to us both as the Voice of the World. 

*Lair Settings Change Accepted. Importing Settings... Applying Settings... Complete. The Settings will take effect now.*

The Dream Mote quivers a little before emitting a bright flash of light. Once I'm able to see again, there doesn't seem to be an immediate visual change to the landscape, but I can sense the slightly increased ambient Magic levels. 

"I have to scout the other locations now, but I'll be back as soon as possible." I inform Thunder-Lord. He nods before trotting off down the mountain to inform his troop about what's going on. 

I spread my wings wide and take off again, setting a course towards the next target: Wanderers End. I'm fully resistant to the Overheat Status, so I have no worries about the heat. My only apprehension is the hallucinations Kalim reported. But I can't know more about it until I get there, so there's no use worrying just yet. 

The highland plains that predominantly make up the Kingdom of Harmek soon gives way to a tundra as I get further north. As the elevation keeps going up, the amount of large plants go down until it's more or less just rocks coated in lichen with the occasional patch of stubborn heather-like plants. 

Without realizing it, I'm currently getting close to the Zaleniths. A colossal mountain-range home to the tallest mountain in the known World, Terraus' Crest. So named not because the Elder Dragon themself reside there, but because those who have seen both the Dragon and the mountain claim the mountain looks almost completely alike the Dragon's' headscales.

Even further north, there's the Crystal Waste, where a predecessor of mine went kaboom. Even just looking in that direction is giving me chills. I shake my head, heading east towards Yo'ud. The Zaleniths are a natural border between the two nations, and only a small section of land south of the end of the mountain allows direct access between the two. 

It was a bit south-west of this border that the final battle between Harmek and Parshura happened. If it was any closer, Yo'ud would have intervened and attacked Harmek's army preemptively. 

As I fly further east, the freezing cold gives way to a faint heat, even at this altitude. Or perhaps I'm so cold that any temperature over zero degrees Celsius (~32 F~) feels warm. The craggy terrain quickly gives way to arid steppes and sandy dunes. 

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