Chapter 33 - The Plotting of Others

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I stand before the shackled King. One eye is closed, a dark purplish ooze dripping from it. Its tail is between its legs, its hind legs shivering in my presence. Despair and pain is evident in its stance. A low growl issues from it, observing my every movement with its remaining eye.

How quaint. Capturing the King cost me a few pawns. Not that I care, the ones I chose for that task were all failures anyway. Weak and broken from being unable to comprehend, or even willing to accept, my Gift to them.

Now, to prepare for the next part. I step closer to it. It takes a step back, pushing its back up against the cave wall, trying to get away from me. It's no use, dear Forest King, for I have a plan for you...

Within the Harmekian Capital
As witnessed by the Divine

Minister of foreign affairs, Seul, is seated at a desk. Going over Harrison Gloombottoms report of the meeting with the King of Parshura. Seems the King was telling the truth, he really did manage to tame the Monarch. 

He sets down his pen, it's exquisitely decorated in the shape of a feather, and sighs. This complicates things infinitely. The army is pretty much ready to go, and a route of advance has been scouted and cleared. But this Monarch will most definitely be able to put a stop to any army, and grow stronger still in the process.

A knock on the door pulls him out of his contemplation. No wait for a response before Army General Knark Drakefang (~the Kn is pronounced like in knife~) enters. Much shorter than the average Human, the only reason he even made the cut into the Harmekian Army was his Unique Skill, Generals' Knowledge.

With it, he quickly rose in ranks, and any soldiers he led returned victorious due to his Skills ability to assess the weakest point in the enemies defenses. 

"What do I owe the pleasure, Army General Knark?" Seul feigns a smile. Knark has the effect of making a room quite serious, something Seul never quite got used to, so he prefers not being in the same room as the Army General. 

"The Queen requests a meeting. The entire Council is called." Knark states bluntly. "Seems Her Highness has cooked up a plan to deal with this 'issue' we're having." He sighs, his usual gruff persona faltering, revealing a tired and stressed man. 

"I fear She might have made deals we will have trouble repaying." He brings out a flask containing a dark brown liquid. It fizzes slightly as he unscrews the cork. He takes a swig before pocketing the bottle. 

"Now, Army General, Her Highness would be quite upset to hear you say such things." A voice issues from somewhere. A glint of light reflecting off of a pair of glasses betray Spymaster Jaxs' position within the shadows. 

Great, thinks Seul, even Jax is here, his two least favorite colleagues are with him in the same room. Knark immediately turns pale. "You wouldn't dare." He hisses, his gruffness back in full force. "Hm, you're right, we both have too much dirt on each other to make it worth bringing you to the Queen on charges of disloyalty to the Crown." Jax adjusts his spectacles as he steps out of the shadows.

"Now, Seul, Knark, I suppose we shouldn't keep Her Highness waiting?" Jax gestures for the three of them to leave for the throne-room. Seul wonders how long Jax had been in the room with him.

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