Chapter 37 - Kingdom of Harmek

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I wake the next morning, rested and ready for a whole day of flying. Switching into my bird-like form, I take off into the sky. The sun's just begun rising, the starry sky rapidly giving way to clear blue skies. I do note that towards my destination, a thick layer of clouds are gathering.

I soar, carefree. It's quite calming, actually, just flying the skies at top speed, seeing the landscape flickering past me below. Lush grassland gives way to a craggy highland, the trees becoming small and gnarled, and large patches of heather-like plants turn the landscape into a mosaic of different shades of purple.

According to my map, I just crossed the border. Of course, entering the Kingdom of Harmek doesn't mean I'm at my destination. I just want to see how it looks. Also, mapping the World could turn out to be a huge benefit later, as it expands the range I have available to find people via tracking.

I think that tonight I'll drop by an inn for food. Of course, doing so has its risks, but as long as I'm subtle about it, it should go well. And...

"If we end up causing a scene, it's within 'enemy' territory, so you won't feel as guilty.

Uh... yes... 

"Here's hoping your desire for humanoid cuisine won't get Us roped into something."

Hey, don't jinx it.

As the sun starts to set, I land near the edge of a evergreen forest. It's also near a village, so I can get there within sundown. I switch into my human form, making sure to equip my new-and-improved silk suit. No weapons this time, as my cover as a Healer means they stand out too much.

It still looks like a fancy pajamas, but it passes as Light Armor. Besides, I'd rather not take the risk of 'borrowing' any of the armor or clothes of the Daggers I killed. 

As I approach the village gate, a guard halts me. "No weapons within the village, stranger." He briskly informs me in Common. His accent is heavy though. I hold up my hands, showing that I am unarmed. "Apologies, sir, I have no weapons as I am a simple Healer who knows a bit of Light Magic." I put on an apologetic smile.

"A Healer? Come right in!" The guards tone suddenly changes as he hears this. He gestures towards a small window in the gate, and after a moment, the doors open up. I'm immediately escorted towards the largest building in the village. I recognize the architecture as being a Church of some sort, though I don't recognize the sigil denoting who the Church is devoted to.

I pause for a moment before the threshold. "You... don't have a Blessing of Truth?" I ask them. I can't detect the intense magical field that prevents Shape-shifting Skills from working within the confines of the Church or Temple. It supposedly also prevents people from lying, though that's debatable.

The guards that were escorting me hesitate for a moment. "I'm not sure what that is?" One of them confesses. "It's of no matter! You can still perform your healing regardless?" The other one desperately asks. Something's wrong here. 

"I can." I state. I suppose something is going on here, a disease or something, and they desperately need healing? I enter the Church. Its pews are replaced with beds, all of them filled with humanoids. 

They all look terrible. Their skin an ashen pallor, cheeks sunk in, some of them are coughing, their hands coming away from their mouth revealing flecks of blood. Tuberculosis? I approach the nearest bed, it contains a young human child, probably no more than eight. 

Let's see... I kneel down beside the bed, and whilst holding my hand to their forehead, pretending to check their temperature, I inspect them.

Status: Vilecough (Normal) - Anemia (Lesser)

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