Chapter 10. S

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Sundays are my favourite day of the week. It's the day where I know for sure I don't have to go to work.

On Saturdays, I sometimes end up going to the office to finish some paperwork. Most of the time I work on Saturday because I have nothing else to do. So I might as well earn some money.

In the morning, I went to brunch with Izzy and Carina. It was the first time I've spent time with her outside of club Lusso. She's really nice and funny.

I'm spending the rest of the day doing some selfcare. Like face masks, taking a bath, painting my nails. And of course gorge myself in takeout food—so I don't have to do the dishes.

Food has made its way to my stomach in less than ten minutes and now I have on a moisturizing sheet face mask and I'm about to put on an audiobook and relax for a moment in the bathtub.

The ringing of my doorbell and then two loud knocks make me jump a little.

It's six in the evening, on a Sunday. Who could it be?

It must be my annoying neighbour that lives below me. She always has something to complain about.

One time I wasn't even home and apparently I was making too much noise for her. After that, she stopped complaining as much. But today must be my lucky day if she decides our little truce is over.

Deciding that I'm not removing my sheet mask for her, I fling the door open.

What the . . .

"Please tell me the second book is already out?" Antonio asks as he makes his way inside my little apartment.

My body freezes for a second. How? Why? When? All these questions fly through my mind. How did he get my address, first and foremost?

Remembering I still have that mask on my face, I quickly remove it and put it in the pocket of my bathrobe. At least I've had it on for over ten minutes so it didn't go to waste.

"What . . . what are you doing here?" I close the door.

His eyes swiftly take in my simple décor, then they pin on me. But when his eyes rake over my body, they do so slowly.

"That book you were reading the other day," he waves his hand in front of him and I nod, remembering what he's talking about. "Well, I read it too, and I need to know what happens next. So is it out or do I have to wait until it comes out?"

I look at him for a moment, speechless. He read the specific book I told him about?

"Um, no, it's been out for six months now."

He lets out a relieved sigh, toying with his cufflinks. "Sorry, I came unannounced."

I clear my throat, "It's okay." I feel tiny with him standing in my kitchen. My apartment is the perfect size for me. But with him in it, it feels too small.

He takes off his suit jacket and I just take notice of his three-piece suit.

The royal blue colour is deep and accentuates his dark hair and eyes. His tie is a lighter blue shade and the white button-down shirt is tight on his chest, making his muscles appear bigger.

He must have seen me checking him out because he says, "I've been having meetings with alcohol vendors all day."

I nod my head. That explains the very expensive-looking suit.

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