Chapter 26. S

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Isabella's and Luca's new home is amazing. Luca designed the house of his girlfriend's dream. The living area is enormous and has a wide view of the ocean. The kitchen is open with the living room. Izzy also insisted she wants a big marble kitchen island, and it's pretty huge.

There are four bedrooms, and the master has a big walk-in closet and a bathroom adjoined. There are also two other rooms that can be turned into offices. Izzy told me Luca will turn his into a home office and she'll turn hers into a studio. Even though Izzy now has her own office downtown, she can use this one for sewing and doing different things a fashion designer does.

"You've done an incredible job furnishing the place," I tell her when we come back to the kitchen after the tour. I've seen this place a couple times before, but it was still unfinished then.

"I still can't believe Luca hid this from me." She opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of juice and two glasses.

I chuckle. "Yeah, he almost caved a couple times, but I pushed him not to."

She slides the filled glass to me. "I thought he was going to propose. Like two weeks ago, he told me he had to stay a bit later at work, but his location on 'find my friends' was here, and there's a Tiffany's in this area."

I laugh, happy for her. She deserves all the best. And I'm sure Luca is going to propose soon. They're soulmates.

Luca comes in, looking handsome as always, and the striking resemblance he has with Antonio is oddly weird. I've never noticed they looked so much alike. It's like they're brothers but they're not. They have the same dark eye shade. The same hair color, but Luca's is more curly, and longer. He's been growing it out since Izzy loves his hair so much. Luca isn't only younger than Anton, but he looks so much younger too. Probably because of the lack of tattoos and the fact that he only has a five o'clock shadow as facial hair.

"Hello loves," he kisses the back of my hand—forever a gentleman—then Izzy's lips, and he stays standing behind her, resting his head on her shoulder with his arms around her.

I love Luca like a brother, but now I need him to find something else to do; I have some girl talk to do with Izzy. And it concerns his cousin, and I don't want it to become weird.

Because she can tell I want to say something, she turns to Luca and says something in Italian. It sounded fluent, but I couldn't be sure. She's been learning Italian because it's Luca's second language.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone." After a kiss between the two of them, we're left alone again.

"That sounded really good, you're getting better."

"I am." She says, proud of herself. "Italian is a really sexy language, you should learn it too,"

With the tip of my finger, I trace the rim of my glass. She just gave me the perfect opening. "Maybe I will."

"Hmm . . ."

Meeting her green eyes, there's a glint in them, as if she knows what I'm going to say already.

"So, you know how I've been working out consistently the past couple weeks?" I say. She nods, taking a sip. "Well, because of that I've been seeing Antonio quite often."

"Mhmm," she squints her eyes at me, urging me to continue talking.

"One thing led to another, and we ended up sleeping together."

The shriek she lets out makes me jump and wince from how loud it is.

"Ouch, my ears." She ignores my plea and comes to me, hugging me.

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