Chapter 34. S

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My eyes flutter open, head foggy and slightly disoriented. It takes me longer than a minute to get my shit together. There's no light coming from outside, so it must be before dawn.

I lift my head, from Antonio's chest it seems, to see him on his phone, typing away with one hand while the other is resting on my butt.

"Good morning." My voice is husky, so I clear my throat. It feels drier than usual.

He chuckles and puts his phone away. "It's still night time, gorgeous,"


"It's only eleven p.m."

I take way longer than I care to admit to figure this out. "Wait. It's still Saturday?" It feels like I've been sleeping for ten hours, and not just a few.

His chest rumbles beneath me with his laugh. "Yup."

"And how long have I been asleep?"

"Since around seven I'd say?"

"Huh," damn. That is a pretty long nap. Best nap of my life.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks, thumb grazing my skin.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I can't remember much, but I know it was fun. Especially since I did it with him. But then I do remember something and sit straight up. "Hold on. It's Saturday and you're here? Why aren't you down for work?"

"I didn't wanna leave you alone. Besides, you were pretty high, and I didn't know how you'd feel when you woke up."

That's really thoughtful of him, but . . . "I'm awake now, you can go to work."

"It's fine, there's no need."

"But it's a Saturday. They must need you."

"They can handle things just fine without me." He lifts himself up, resting his shoulder on the headboard.

My stomach rumbles, even though we ate a ton of Mac and Cheese.

He palms my stomach. "My baby is hungry?" He leans in and kisses my shoulder. "There's no Mac and Cheese left, sorry."

That reminds me . . . "I didn't get to ask you what you thought of Mac and Cheese."

He cocks his head from side to side. "It was good."

"Good?" I don't believe him.

"A little better than good. The added cheese made it really tasty."



"It's okay if you didn't like it." I tell him. He won't hurt my feelings.

He sighs. "To be honest, as a proud Italian, that 'meal' was like an insult to me and my Nonna." He uses air quotes.

"But you ate more than I did." I tell him. If he didn't enjoy eating it, then he should've gotten something else.

"I'm a big guy, I need the food." He's a big guy alright. "And weed makes me hungrier, so like I said, the added cheese made it okay."

"Well, now I know what not to make you when you're feeling sad." Izzy and I used to eat our weight in M&C while watching the saddest movies to ever exist.

He chuckles and stands up. "Come on, let's eat. I had an employee bring us take-out."

"We'll eat and then you'll have to go downstairs to work. I feel really good." I tell him, not standing up yet. He told me once he never went a day without working in his club, and now because of me, he missed two days this week. And it makes me feel like I'm a burden to him, having to take care of me because I can't handle a small amount of pot.

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