64. An Elvish Wedding

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~ The lovebirds are united again. Let there be Much Fluff ™  ~

64. An Elvish Wedding

Wynne spotted Legolas from a long distance. He seemed to be waiting for her, impatiently walking back and forth along the shore of the Anduin.

This was where they had first met so many months ago. That time she had been unwilling to come, today there was no reluctance in her pace whatsoever even though she had the exact same mission: to marry an elf.

She urged Vatna to increase her pace and the mare nearly flew across the shallow part of the river.

Legolas ran toward her and then past her to the other horse, throwing his arms around its chestnut neck. "Stelpa!" His voice was muffled by her fur.

"I knew you would miss the horse more than me!" Her grin nearly cleaved her face in halves. Oh how she loved him! She had almost forgotten how handsome he was.

With a happy laugh he came to her, taking her in his arms and twirling her around until she got dizzy.

"Let me down," she giggled. Thankfully her bruised ribs had stopped hurting during her journey here or his hard hug would have been painful.

He obeyed, and she clung to him, pulling his head down for a passionate kiss. He smelled so good, and his lips tasted so good, and she never wanted to be separated from him again.

At last they had to part and catch their breaths.

"How did your father take it?" she panted.

"Better than I had expected. The only casualties were a few wine glasses."

They kissed again and again, starved for each other after such a long time apart, tumbling down onto the grass without caring if their clothes became stained or their hose ripped.

Wynne roamed his back and shoulders with her fingers and then slipped them under his tunic and undershirt so she could delight in the feel of his silky skin and hard frame.

He caressed her hair, combing through it with his fingers. The touch sent shivers down her spine.

"Let me plait your hair." His voice was husky.

She nodded her consent. Before she met him she would never have thought a request to do someone's hair could sound so sensual.

He made one braid on each of her temples, a lot more intricate than those he had done before. While he was busy she scrutinized every inch of his beautiful face, still finding it hard to believe she had made it. They had made it.

When finished, Legolas did his own hair in the same pattern. "There. This means we are betrothed. I should have given you a ring too, but what with all the hurry..."

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