58. Battle of the Titans

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~ Two strong wills clash and the most ruthless wins. Later Wynne and Legolas make a plan. ~

58. Battle of the Titans

Wynne could get used to this. Legolas was softer and warmer than ever when he slept and lying in the cradle of his arms she felt safe and loved.

They had stayed awake long last night, mostly just talking, enjoying each other's company. She made sure he knew how she had come to fall in love with him, that Mother's by then abandoned plan had had nothing to do with it. Surprisingly he said he already knew that, claiming her starry-eyed ogling had given her feelings away. Really!

Before they finally drifted off to sleep he had braided her hair again, and his own too, renewing the sign of courtship. Next time Mother tried to take her braids out Wynne was determined to refuse. She could always say it made him more inclined to impregnate her.

She had to stifle a nervous giggle at that. Today she would have to face her mother and try to persuade her that things had happened tonight that had not.

Legolas' breathing changed and she knew he was awake.

"Soon time to face the dragon," she mumbled.

"Good luck." He yawned. "Want me to come with you?"

"That's not necessary."

"I could protect you if she tries to beat you again."

He was frowning deeply and Wynne's heart warmed at his concern. "She won't, not when she's happy." Another thought struck her. "Why do you react so strongly about it? It's a parent's right to punish their child. Doesn't Thranduil do it too?"


"Not even when you were little? But you were probably a well-behaved, angelic elfling."

"I already told you I was a handful. I ran away all the time." He smiled wistfully. "He would give me one of his looks and say something sarcastic, usually. Or not say anything at all, which works surprisingly well with him."

"It's a bit odd though. With his temper I would have guessed him to lash out at times."

"His own father was violent, I think, he has hinted as much when we talked recently. He has tried not to be like him." Then he smiled wryly. "Actually, there was one time when he did... but never again. Afterwards I saw he had been crying too when he did it so I think he decided after that to find other methods."

"If even he cried he must have hit you badly."

"He thrashed me with a belt until I couldn't sit." He chuckled. "I deserved it, though."

"Ouch." Wynne winced. "The belt is the worst."

His eyes narrowed. "I am glad you soon shall be free of your mother and never get beaten again."

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