65. A Visit From Adar-in-law

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~ Five years later Wynne and Legolas receive a guest. Plus – more fluff. :) ~

65. A Visit From Adar-in-law

Emyn Arnen, Ithilien, Fourth Age 13

"Les! Les! Have you seen the feather duster?" Wynne stumbled over the pile of dirty laundry as she came up to the big four poster bed.

Legolas sprawled lazily on the tangled sheets, eyes half closed, stretching out his naked body. She paused to admire it and found herself promptly being caught and pulled on top of the bed, pinned down by a playful elf.

"Let us cuddle," he suggested, kissing her nose. "He will not be here for hours yet. There is plenty of time."

"I would love to, only..."

"Only...?" His brow furrowed.

"It's that time of the month again."

"Again? Really?" He flopped down onto his back, arms flung out in exasperation. "Why do humans have to bleed all the time?"

"Not all the time... Just a few days now and then."

"Those days are the only ones I wish you were an elf," he grumbled.

"Anyway, we should tidy up here and that will probably take hours." She looked around the bedroom, sighing over the dust in the corners, the dirty plates from yesterday's late night snack and all the tufts of long fur. "Oh, I found the duster. Lembas has it." She wrought the item from the tabby cat and was rewarded with an icy glare and angry wave of its tail. "I swear, that cat looks just like your father."

When their guest arrived a few hours later the cottage almost looked clean. Just as long as one didn't look under the bed or tried to open any of the wardrobes.



The elves caught each other in a long hug.

Thranduil had moved to Amon Lanc, the new capital of Greenwood now, and hence his journey down the Anduin was a lot speedier and he visited them fairly often. It was only a few months since he had last been there but the way he reacted it might as well have been a decade.

"Come in, lunch is soon ready." It was not but that sounded like the right thing to say.

While Wynne and Legolas returned to the kitchen, trying frantically to scramble together something edible, Thranduil walked along their bookshelf studying the titles. He reached out a finger and retrieved it coated with dust.

She winced; she always forgot to clean the bookcase. Then she remembered. "Legolas," she hissed.


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