59. Plans Undone

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~ Wynne is packing and ready to elope when someone arrives

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~ Wynne is packing and ready to elope when someone arrives. ~

59. Plans Undone

The day's meeting took a lot less time than the one yesterday had, and Wynne later learned that somehow all the Rohirrim lords apparently had changed opinion overnight and suddenly become very positive to the idea of peace with the Emyn Muil orcs.

The extent of Mother's influence was intimidating, and somewhat surprising too. How had she come to be that powerful? Their House was no more famous than any of the others.

In the evening Aragorn threw a grand feast and the atmosphere in the huge room was merry. Wynne was happy for her friends, and tried to laugh and celebrate with Sidra and Nugu, but it was hard when she was so worried about her impending elopement with Legolas.

When it was time for dinner she was almost thankful to be placed with her family at another table.

Mother enjoyed herself immensely. Her fit of temper that morning had long since passed and now she was busily planning the wedding, albeit only with Wynne and Father; thankfully she had not yet attempted to speak to Thranduil. The Elvenking's features were neutral where he sat next to Aragorn and Éomer, but the glares he sometimes sent their way talked for themselves.

"How come the other lords do what you say?" Wynne interrupted in the middle of Mother's oration about the immense guest list she would make.

"It's easy, really." Mother smiled and this time it reached her eyes. She had had several glasses of wine and was in an unusually friendly and talkative mood. "Men use their fists to get their way, women use their brains. Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs is the proper leverage." She took another sip. "What you do is you find out their weaknesses. Everybody has something they need, or wish to hide, or something they fear. And then you exploit that."

"Morwen has gathered information about the other Houses for years," said Father, a tint of pride in his voice.

It was rare that he joined in a conversation, and Wynne blinked at him in surprise. Perhaps he had had a little too much wine as well.

"I have," Mother agreed. "And you must also not forget the little favors we bestow upon them every now and then. A gift here, a discount there, putting in a good word for someone who needs it – such things work wonders to secure continued friendships."

After dinner Wynne slowly walked past Legolas and nodded in the direction of the statue where they had talked the last time.

He readily joined her there, unnaturally cheerful in a disconcerting way. "So, this is great, is it not, the peace treaty signed already? And we elope tonight." His cheeks were flushed but he didn't seem drunk. Something was clearly wrong.

"What happened... after I left? Was Thranduil very angry?" Stupid question. Of course he was angry.

A shadow passed over his face and his smile waned. "Aye." He didn't elaborate further and this was not really a good place to talk.

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