43. Sightseeing at the Anduin

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~ The company comes near inhabited areas and sees an amazing view. Thranduil is an "old softie". ~

43. Sightseeing at the Anduin

Wynne's vision was limited to a minimum by her pulled up hood. Incessant rain poured down for the third day in a row, and on top of that it was cold and windy though it was Mid-Year.

Mid-Year's Day had been yesterday, a supposedly festive occasion, but in this weather nobody had felt like throwing parties. Instead the day had passed rather unnoticed with the only remarkable event being their reaching the Gates of Argonath.

She had been looking forward to seeing the famous pillars for the first time but even that had been a slight disappointment. The low-hanging clouds covered Isildur's and Anárion's heads, giving the kings of old a decapitated look. The monument was impressive anyway, of course, and it was hard to fathom that humans were once able to build something so enormous. The statues' bases were carved out of the very rock itself and in a seamless transition they grew up to reach at least fifty yards above the top of the mountain.

Peering through the fog over one shoulder she could still dimly see their looming shapes as if the kings were following her on the journey.

It was not the Argonath she had turned after, however, it was a certain golden-haired elf. Legolas only gave her a slight smile in return before looking away.

What was the matter with him? It had been several days since the misfortune in the lake and it almost seemed he was avoiding her. But why? Was he angry because she insisted that he told the tale of the Fellowship? He had seemed a bit reluctant at first and she had almost instantly regretted asking him, noticing how uncomfortable it made him – especially with everybody else listening.

She was fairly certain he had omitted a great deal of the story, probably the parts that had affected him the most, which was another reason to have a heart-to-heart – so she could ask him to elaborate. Somehow she had a notion he needed that.

Wynne remembered how she had felt after each time she encountered danger. The sleeplessness that followed, fear overcoming her at night. How her heart would pound every time she was reminded of the incident. Talking with Legolas afterwards had helped every time.

Who had he talked with after his frightening experience? Nobody, she suspected.

She hoped to get an opportunity to speak to him soon and until then she just had to be patient.

Being patient was not easy in this bleak weather, however. Torrents of rain whipped her face, hurting her eyes, and nearby Sidra's youngest wailed pitifully. A tiring, enervating moan that had gone on for hours at end.

Wynne understood why her friend had brought the child but right now she badly regretted the necessity.

Unfortunately she would need to have at least one baby herself, for Legolas' sake. She looked forward to making it but not to be forced to endure its noise.

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