61. A Fond Farewell

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~ Wynne's friends try to help her solve her problems and come up with a new (third? fourth?) plan. ~

61. A Fond Farewell

"You look unhappy. What's wrong?" Sidra joined Wynne at the breakfast table.

"It's a long story," she mumbled, listlessly stirring her porridge.

"Well, here's what will cheer you up. Join me in a hot bath with the ladies!"

"I'm not really in the mood. But thanks." She tried to smile but her head hurt and smiling made it worse. Legolas and her had not slept much last night and were nowhere near a solution to their problems.

Thranduil's surprised and annoyed stare at her this morning had not helped either, and she hoped Legolas would take on the unpleasant task of explaining to him why she was still there.

"No, I insist. And then you can tell me everything." Sidra wrapped an arm around her.

Her spicy scent was comforting and Wynne leaned into the hug. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to someone else. "Alright then."

The wide pool in the ladies' part of the bathhouse was circular and made of smooth stone, with a stair leading down into the hot water. Sconces on the walls gave the room a dim light. To Wynne's surprise all the ladies she knew were there: Sidra, Éowyn, Cheery and even Queen Arwen.

Wynne was very conscious about her nude body when she stepped down but the deep water was warm and relaxing.

"This is lovely," sighed Sidra.

"We are very proud of our baths," agreed Arwen. The acoustics in the room made her beautiful voice even more melodious.

Wynne peeked at her under half-closed lids; she had never seen another female's body and became curious. Through the clear water she saw that Arwen was equally beautiful naked. Her waist was thin, despite having carried a child, and her small breasts shapely. She seemed to have no hair at all on her body, even between her legs.

Again she felt that treacherous attraction and quickly shifted her gaze to Éowyn. She was more muscular, with a warrior's body, and that was attractive in its own way. Without clothes, her pregnancy was more pronounced.

Next to Éowyn, Sidra leaned back with closed eyes, resting her head on the wall. Sidra was Sidra, ample and motherly, but Wynne was fairly sure males loved that kind of curves.

Beside her, Cheery fought to keep her nose above the surface in the deep pool. It was very hard to not stare at the dwarf's body, it was so decidedly female with those large breasts and wide hips but also so very hairy.

"Well, Wynne," said Sidra, eyes still closed. "Are you going to explain why you have shadows darker than Mordor under your eyes and hardly touched your breakfast?"

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