47. Meeting a Lady Dwarf

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~ Wynne is cheered up by an unexpected new acquaintance, and Nugu tells Faramir his tale. ~

47. Meeting a Lady Dwarf

Wynne stopped just outside the doors, struggling to compose herself and hold back her tears. She stood in a wide patio with the honeysuckle she smelled before tied to a pergola above her head; a chaotic disarray of pale, odd-shaped flowers, green leaves, and twining tendrils trying to escape in all directions.

She appreciated how unlike it was the orderly flower beds and pruned bushes in the rest of the park. It was refreshing with a plant that wouldn't follow rules. Rebelliously it refused to stay where it was supposed to be and it would only emit its sweet fragrance at night.

Wynne wished she wouldn't have to follow rules either. Never had the secluded cottage life with Legolas in her daydream felt more alluring.

A blond dwarf came out too and Wynne nodded politely, hoping her eyes were not red. He nodded back, the golden curls of his long beard flowing over his chest. His mustache was plaited into two braids and threaded with polished amber beads.

"Ye dinnae like crowds either?" he asked in a distinctly female voice.

Wynne started in surprise, eyebrows rising.

"What?" The dwarf sounded annoyed.

"Sorry! Eh no, I don't like crowds much, Master...?"

"Miss, and ma name is Cheery. Ye are?"


She tried not to stare rudely at the lady dwarf despite her curiosity. Was there really no difference at all between male and female dwarves?

Gimli came out, drawing a deep breath. "Ah, lovely smell. And ye are lovely as well, ma lassies!" He kissed them both on their hands and seemed not to notice the lady dwarf rolling her eyes.

"Always the flirt, are ye," she quipped. "Nae more of that with her or I shall be busy washing ma beard tonight."

"How could a dwarf have eyes for another lass when yer beauty radiates brighter than mithril?" he replied smoothly. "Besides, she's already spoken for." He winked knowingly at Wynne.

"That ne'er stopped ye before," muttered Cheery.

"Come, let's nae quarrel." He held out his arm to her. "I came to tell ye dinner's ready."

Wynne followed the dwarf couple back inside, feeling a little less upset. Legolas must have told his friend about her almost directly and that warmed her heart. In addition, the fresh night air and unkempt honeysuckle had helped to calm her and she now began to think more rationally.

Legolas loved her and he wouldn't stand silently by if she was unhappy. They could maybe have a summer house or something? Even royalty must be allowed to relax from time to time, she figured.

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