54. Mother Knows Best

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~ Someone Wynne neither expected, nor needed back in her life has arrived. Mother is Not Happy™ and a lot gets overturned. ~

54. Mother Knows Best

Wynne tried to hide her shock and surprise. Why was Mother here? The plan was for Wynne to return home with the horses and an elf fiancé as soon as they finished their quest. Mother had not mentioned any intentions to meet them on the way. How had she even known they would be here? Through Éomer?

"Oh my darling, how I missed you!" Mother caught her in a hard hug, and then held her at an arm's length as if to memorize her features. "You look so well, so healthy, only a little tanned but that is only natural I suppose!" Despite her warm greeting her smile didn't reach her eyes. Instead her penetrating gaze scanned Wynne from head to toe.

Maybe she was trying to discern symptoms of pregnancy?

Now Wynne noticed her father, waiting patiently behind his wife. Her chest grew tight with emotion. "Father!" She wrapped her arms around him, drawing in his familiar smell of tobacco, horses and leather. "I missed you," she murmured against the wool of his tunic.

As usual he replied only with an approving hum, but his strong arms around her spoke clearly enough, and when he pulled back his eyes were damp.

"How are Grandmama and Grandpapa?"

"Oh they are very well, my dear, don't you worry about them now." Mother took her arm and herded her toward the guesthouse. "Let's have you changed into something nicer."

King Éomer and his lords would stay down another corridor in the same house as Wynne. She noticed none of the other lords had brought their wives, only her father. It was not hard to figure out whose idea it had been.

Mother looked around in her room with satisfaction. Father and her had been assigned a suite; two rooms joined by a door in the middle, the latter completely unnecessary as it would probably never be opened if Wynne knew her parents.

"Lovely place. Finally I shall sleep somewhere decent!"

She explained they had initially planned to arrive yesterday evening, but then the king's horse had come down with a limp and they had been obliged to sleep another night on the road, with Minas Tirith less than a league ahead. "It was horrible, I tell you. But what would I not do for my dear daughter?"

Two servants came in, heavily burdened with bags and a chest.

"Oh, here is my luggage. Wonderful!" She picked out a large bag. "I brought more clothes for you, my darling. I can only imagine what state your old ones must be in by now."

Her friendly smile disappeared as soon as the door closed behind the servants. "Now, how did it go? Have you succeeded with the elf king?"


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