55. Thruths Revealed

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~ Wynne learns a shocking truth about her horses and tries to handle her meddling mother. ~

55. Truths Revealed

"I'm charmed. A pleasure to meet you. Thank you, yes a very pleasant trip. Thank you, it belonged to my mother-in-law. Indeed, the quality was something else back in the day! Yes indeed. Yes. Yes. And I must compliment Your Grace on your marvelous robe, it goes so well with your fair complexion. Oh, Your Grace is too modest! Quite unpretentious!" Mother's sharp voice drowned all nearby conversations as she monopolized the Elvenking. "Oh they are, are they not, I'm so glad you were pleased with them! Yes sire, we bred them for generations. Outstanding. Finest meara breed!"

"Meara breed?" King Éomer cut in. "Who claims to breed mearas?"

"We do," said Wynne, surprised he wouldn't remember as he had even bought some of them before.

"Mearas cannot be bred like any simple horses, and even if they could, they would only allow a Rohirrim king to ride them." He frowned at her.

Éomer was intimidating when he was annoyed, every inch a warrior and not at all looking like a king.

Wynne took a step backwards. "But I thought–"

"Well, I never said they were only mearas." Mother's cheeks were slightly pink.

"Yes, you did. That's exactly what you said!" Wynne gaped at her, feeling the world as she knew it shattering. Her Vatna, and Stelpa and the others... not mearas?

Another implication struck her. The elves – she had tricked her friends all this time. How mortifying! Her face was burning and she didn't know where to look.

"Well there is a large... well moderately large part meara in them. And they are very fine. Even you said so, Your Grace." She had turned back to the Elvenking, all simpers and smiles again.

His features were neutral as usual but something about his voice made Wynne certain he didn't take such deception lightly. "Aye, they are very fine," he acknowledged and swiftly turned his back on her to speak to Éowyn, leaving Mother to open and close her mouth a few times in surprise.


"Shall we go and explore the city with Father?" Wynne took her arm. "You can show me where you used to live." She needed to get her mother away from here as soon as possible, before things got even worse, and she wanted herself out as well. She couldn't endure this embarrassing situation a minute longer.

"Oh. Well I guess we could..."

Wynne felt Legolas' eyes on her as they left and hoped he was not too disappointed. She would speak to him later and explain. Surely he and his father must realize she had not known about this?

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now